40. Welcome to the Family; Officially

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Carter's POV 

"Well ladies, here's your apartment!" Ronnie announced as he walked into the new place. 

"It's great. I love it." Jacen smiled happily 

"Cool. Fits us." Zizzy added with a shrug. I love her. She's so... Chilled out, like all the time. I wish I was more like her, and a little less high strung. Atleast I'm not as bad as Jacen. That girl needs some Ritalin. Like, seriously. She can't take a breath without worrying about what bacteria she'll be inhaling. It's good though, she keeps the rest of us in check. Like a mother. Only, better. 

"Chill place. I'm off to find my room." Runt said as she sped off towards one of the halls. Zizzy close in tow. Jacen went to the kitchen and started unpacking some dishes. See what I mean? Mother like. 

"Okay, house meeting for a second here." Ronnie said. The girls all gathered back around. 

"So, Mini-Ronnie." he said 

"Yes...." she asked, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"Carter and I have been secretly working on this since you first moved in. It was a little hard because of my record, but we got it done." he said 

"Got what done?" she asked  

"Well, we've adopted you!" he said happily. 

"Oh my god. Yes! Thank you, thank you so much!" she said giving Ronnie and I bone crushing hugs. 

"Youre wlecome. I'm happy to have you in the family." Ronnie smiled. 

"Okay, now I'm going back to my room." She said smiling ear to ear before walking back to the hallway, Zizzy going with her, also smiling.  

"Well that was really sweet of you guys!" Jacen announced as she went back to the kitchen. 

"I'm glad I can say we were a part of her life." I told her honestly, Ronnie agreeing. 

"Oh yeah, Jacky told me to tell you to all him." Ronnie said with a shrug 

"Do you know why?" Jacen asked 

"I think he likey you!!" I said poking her. 

"Riiiiiiiiight. Well I'll call I guess." she said trying to play it off, but I totally saw her blush. 

"Remember. Use protection." I said winking at her, making her blush deepen. 

"What about protection?" I heard Runt call from the hallway, poking her head out, Zizzy joining seconds later. 

"Nothing. Close your ears. The grown ups are talking." I said 

"Whatever." Runt mumbled before crossing her arms and stomping back to wherever she was. Zizzy gave me a thumbs up and giggled a little before she joined her. 

"Okay then. Are you girls gonna be good? I want to take Carter out." Ronnie called to all the girls in the house. 

"Yeah. We'll be good. Thanks for asking." Jacen said so formally 

"Get the fuck outta here Ronnie!" Runt called from where I'm assuming she claimed her room. 

"Ditto!" I heard Zizzy all as well. You see? This is how we treat each other. Feel the love. 

"Kay, bye!" Ronnie called as he dragged me out. Once we were safely out the apartment with the door closed Ronnie pulled me in for a kiss. I laughed into it and right as I started kissing back the door beside us was ripped open. 

"Oh good, I'm in time. Remember kids, no glove, no love." Zizzy said as she tossed a pack of Trojans at us, their contents spilling over the floor. When she shut the door I heard hysterical laughter from the other side. And Jacen's faint voice saying 

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