7. A Comforting Talk and A New Couch

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Ronnie's POV:

'Baby, baby, bay oh! I thought you'd always be mine, mine' The stereo rung out waking all of us up with Beiber vomit. The culprit was none other than Mr. Maxwell. I swear he wakes up hours before anyone else just to plan how to wake us up in the most annoying fashion.

"Why do you even have that song?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes and sitting up.

"I don't. Carter does. this is her iPod. I guess Bieber is a chick thing we will never understand" Max answered.

"She doesn't seem like the type." I looked over at her sleeping peacefully on Craig's stomach. How could she still be sleep with this music playing? And why did seeing her on Craig make me so angry? I got up and kicked Craig in his shoulder. Hard.

"DUDE. I was up! What the hell was that for?"

"Not sure. I just felt like it." I lied.

"Damn. I'm surprised you aren't a soccer player." Craig laughed as he rubbed his shoulder.

"SHUT UP. I am trying to sleep. And turn that shit off." Carter said, her face still buried in Craig's stomach.

"Dude, I thought you'd enjoy it. Considering it's on your iPod." Max told her. With that her eyes sprung open.

"You idiot! That's Sam's iPod! I told you to give it back to her like a week ago!" She was sitting up now. Thank god. I hated seeing her on another guy. Wait, another? Why was I talking like she's mine? Weird. I just didn't want her on Craig. Eh. I'll get over it. It's her choice anyways. Max walked over to the stereo and turned off the Bieber vomit. Finally.

"Oh yah. sorry. i totally forgot about that. Well we will see her tonight because we are going CLUBBING!" Max yelled the last part loudly. Everyone began to cheer, except Carter. I didn't under stand until she said

"wow Max. sometimes you are so fucking stupid. What am I supposed to do? Go and sit around until you guys are done drinking and drive you home?! You know I can't drink anymore!" She was pissed. Extrememly pissed. Without waiting for a reply she stood up and stormed upstairs.We heard her door slam. she must have slammed it hard for us to hear it 2 floors away. Max began to go after her until Robert stopped him and said

"Dude. She doesn't want to talk to you." Max nodded in agreement. I then noticed everyone begin to look at me. Oh shit. I just nodded my head and climbed the stairs to her room. I knocked on her door. No answer. i knocked again, still no answer. i started to get worried so I opened her door stepped in and shut it carefully behind me. She was digging in boxes. when she turned around and noticed me she began to throw an array of stuffed bears.

"Get out!" She screamed at me finally ceasing the bear throwing.

"No. Not until you talk to me." Man, I was so stubborn sometimes.

"Stop pretending to care." she said sliding down the wall to the floor.

"I'm not pretending. You may not believe this but I know exactly how you feel right now. I know what it's like to be angry at the world and feel like no one is there for you. I hate those thoughts and feelings. And I hate that you are feeling that way right now." I pushed a few boxes over to make room for me to sit next to her on the floor. She didn't say anything so i continued. "the last thing I want to do is push. So know that's not what I am doing when I ask this, but why did the thought of clubbing upset you so much?"

She sighed heavily and looked at me and then back to the floor and said "I am a recovering alcoholic. Nobody understands how bad it really was. Not even Max. When he brought up clubbing all these old thoughts and memories of all the pain I went through. And on top of that I was embarrassed because I didn't want to go and not drink because everyone would think I was a buzz-kill.I'm not. I'm just going through alot trying to get myself cleaned up. And I'm sorry for lying to you. i have been drunk. I've been drunk way to much of my life. I thought by lying it would help me forget about all of it. I also just didn't want you to know what a failure I was." Tears were threatening to fall from her face. I hate seeing my friends this way. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her close.

"it's okay. You aren't a failure. Everybody falls once or twice in life. It's human nature. I know how it feels knowing you have an addiction and not wanting people to know, or even help you,trust me. I've been there.But please understand me when I say I am always there for you. So if something is wrong, or you just need to talk, i am here and waiting with open arms. I looked at her and saw she was staring up at me with her beautiful green eyes and smiling.

"Thanks. Now help me up!" She said reaching her hands in the air. i stood and grabbed her. She squinched her face like something hurt, I was about to ask what happened when I knocked over some boxes with my elbow. I went to clean it up when she said to ignore it, so I did. She enveloped me in a giant bear hug before i left and shut the door behind me. i walked downstairs in victory.

"So how is she?" Max asked, the second I stepped into the living room. All the guys were huddled in front of the TV waiting for me.

"She's fine now. Just needed to talk it out I guess." i told them the half truth. Not wanting to go into detail about our little talk.

"So are we set for tonight?" Max asked

"Yeah. We're all good. She's going." I told him

"Good, wouldn't be much fun without her." Craig said. "But before the partying takes place we need to make sure we have a place to crash when we get home."

He was right, we needed a couch at least. And desperately. We all went our seperate ways preparing for a shopping trip. Once we were all ready (except Carter. Who decided to hang back) we climbed into the car and called the moving van to have them meet us at the store. We shopped around for the biggest most comfortable couch we could find. Once we found it we loaded up and headed home. When we got back to the house and got the couch situated inside it was already 5 o'clock.

We began our pre-club rituals. I combed my hair and applied my eyeliner. I pulled on a plain pair of black skinnies with a plain gray t-sgirt. I added a few belts and a pair of handcuffs as well as a leather jacket and solid white vans for a full rockstar effect. I walked downstairs to find all the guys pretty decked out. Including Robert with his best pair of shades. i joined them on the new couch watching TV as we waited for Carter. But when she did it took everyone's breath away. Well all but Max who began bitching about how innapropriate she looked. I ignored him because damn, was she was goregeous. Her dress was somewhat short and had a pink corset top and a black poofed skirt at the bottom. She wore black fishnets that matched her gloves. Her heels were hot pink to match the top of her dress. She had her hair pulled back in a curled ponytail. Her eyeliner was not as heavy but it showcased her beautiful green eyes more than usual. It was gonna be hard keeping my hands off her tonight, especially if I got drunk. So I made myself promise not to drink that night. Aparently I wasn't the only one thinking she looked hot tonight, Craig, Monte, and even Robert were all staring at her with the same expression I assumed was on my face.

I snapped out of my Carter-dream when I heard Max say "Go upstairs and change now. You look ridiculous." He was still bitching at her.

All the guys including myself said "NO! She looks great." Simultaniously. I swear it's contagious. Carter just smiled sweetly and sarcastically at Max and went to the car. Tonight was gonna be loads of fun.

Not Good Enough (Falling in Reverse and Escape the Fate FanFic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें