18. Fangirls.... O_O

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Carter's POV:

Ronnie and I made a quick grocery run. We picked up the essentials (icecram, soda, and chips, DUH!) and made our way back to the car. I drug Ronnie into a furniture store to get a new dining room table since someone *cough* ROBERT *cough* broke it last night.

"But I don't wanna go in therrrre!!" Ronnie whined as I pulled into the parking lot.

"But you have toooo." I said mocking his tone and smiling. He smirked and flipped me off.

"Now Ronald! Is that any way to treat an adult?" I said, mocking being angry.

"Well if you're a badass like me, then yes." He smirked again as I flipped him off. We climbed out the car and went into the store. Finidng a new table was relatively easy. We got another glass one, but the sales guy said it was impact resistent. Good. Just in case the guys got into another drunken stupor, which I had a feeling would happen tonight, We checked out and gave the guy the address. He said he'd drop off th couch sometime around 3 today. Lucky us, we'll have a table for the party tonight, We thanked him and left. Ronnie and I didn't talk until we reached the car.

"So, where to next?" Ronnie asked me. I shrugged and said

"That's really all I had to do." I looked over at him as he grinned mischeviously.

"Uh-oh. I know that face. That's your thinking face. What horrible idea do you have that will ultimately lead to us getting in trouble?"

"It's not bad! I was just thinking we go to the mall and get all dolled up for the party tonight." He said talking like a gay guy. I laughed and said

"Good idea, just me and you or should we bring the guys, plus Jacen?"

"Just me and you." He said, a little too quickly. I hid a blush, don't read into it. I told myself. I nodded at him and turned up the radio before  putting the car in gear and heading towards the mall.

We didn't talk much on the carride there. We were too busy singing along to the radio. When we reached the mall I was smiling and turned off the car. I climbed out the car, as did Ronnie. As we were walking towards the front doors Ronnie said

"Wow. I didn't know you could sing that well."

"Thanks, but I'm not that good."

"Yes you are! You could kick mine AND Craig's ass in a battle." He said ruffling my hair. I hate when he does that. Which is why he does it. Stupid boy -___-.

"If you say so."

"Yes, I do say so."

"And what makes you such a high power in musical things, hmm?" I asked him as we stepped into the food court. He said

"CAUSE I'M KING OF THE FUCKING MUSIC SCENE!" He said dramatically, and LOUD. Oh shit.

"Run!!!" I yelled to Ronnie as scene girls started running towards us. He gasped realizing what he had done and jetted up the escalators into the nearest store, which just so happened to be none other than Hot Topic. Just our luck.

"Oh my god!! It's Ron-" Some girl with bright blue and pink hair began to scream before Ronnie put his hand over her mouth. She looked like she was about to faint from the contact.

"Look, I'll sign anything you want, and take a picture with you if you DON'T scream my name, got it?" He asked whispering trying to avoid any unwanted attention. The girl went wide eyed and nodded. He removed his hand as smiled as she handed him a sharpie. She looked around frantically for a paper for him to sign, finding nothing she said

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