38. Always There For You

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Max's POV: 

"Max! Hi! I was wondering if you'd ever call." she laughed 

"Yeah, I thought you were pretty hot." I joked 

"Phst, thanks. So what's up?" she asked 

"Just got back to L.A. You?" I asked 

"Clocking out. So, Cali eh? That's cool." she said 

"Yeah. Kinda sucks now though. My sister and all my band members are moving. So I've got to find a place. And live alone. Not too excited." I answered, twirling my hair around my finger. I'm such a chick sometimes. 

"Really? Random. My roommate just moved out and I'm looking for a place in Long Beach. I'm transferring to the station out there." she said sounding surprised 

"Really? Weird coincidence. Maybe you should consider L.A.?" I said slyly 

"Maybe. As a matter of fact, I'll be out there next week to go apartment hunting. You should join me." she said 

"Are you asking me out? Dirty cop, you." I teased 

"Oh shush. But seriously, join me?" she asked, I could practically hear her biting her lip in anxiety 

"Yeah, I'll go." I said, a bit too eagerly, making her laugh 

"Good. I'll talk to you later then. Bye Maxwell." 

"Bye." I said before ending the call and punching the air in victory. Score 1 for Max.

Carter's POV: 

"Next week?!" I asked in disbelief 

"I know, I know. It's short notice but we've got to do this. We've got a tour coming up soon with Black Veil Brides and we need to start getting prepped." Ronnie said apolegetically 

"I know, it's just. Wow. Seven days left here? So many memories to leave. And my brother... I'm going to be leaving my brother!" I said, just realizing I'd have to leave Max behind. 

"I know leaving Max is gonna be hard for you, but think about our new life together. Think of your band, and how good this tour would be for you guys." he said 

"Wait, what?" I asked 

"I talked to our tour manager, and convinced him to let These White Walls of Mine open a few of our shows. Surprise!" he laughed 

"Ronnie! Oh my god, you're so sweet! Thank you so so much!" I said kissing his cheek 

"Welcome. So, hun. Please pack?" he practically pleaded 

"But, Max..." I said, losing my happy feeling again 

"You'll be fine without him. It's not like you're moving across the country." he said 

"I'm not worried about me, how would he take it? He'll be heart broken..." I said before I was interupted by Max bursting open Ronnie's room door 

"Guys, I got a date with a hot cop! SCORE!" he yelled breathlessly before running off through the house, shouting his news to the others. 

"Yeah, heartbroken." Ronnie laughed 

"Fine. Max will be fine. Help me pack." I said sighing 

"Yes! Finally." Ronnie said standing and grabbing my empty suitcase. "So. A hot cop? Lucky him. Maybe you should dress u-" he said before I smacked him upside the head 

"What!? It could be kinda fun. You know, handcuffs and all...-" but I hit him again. "Okay, fine." he mumbled before lauging and grabbing some more clothes to pack. 

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