28. What. The. What.

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Carter's POV: 

Without a second of hesitation I ripped my phone from the cup holder and called Craig. 

"Hello?" he answered. I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Craig! Phew! Where are you?" I asked 

"The tour bus." he answered slightly confused. 

"Good! I'm on the highway. And your car is all crushed o-" he cut me off 

"Wait, WHAT?!" I asked/yelled. 

"I was getting to it. I'm on my way home from hell, I'm sure Ronnie told you." 

"Yeah, he's happy that you'll be there when we get home." 

"Yeah, he's so sweet like that-" 

"Agreed. Now, my car?" 

"Oh yeah. I'm on my way to the house and I'm on some highway, your car got hit head on and flipped several times and is laying all crushed off to the side of the road." I heard him inhale deeply, most likely trying not to have a panic attack, he loves that car. 

"Wow. Are you sure it's mine?" he asked hopeful. 

"Yeah, the license plate says 'Fly Fuck'." Uh oh. I heard a lot of swearing and some crashing on the other end of the call. 

"Hey, I'll call you later." And before I could say a word he hung up. I sighed and looked out my window at the wreck. I saw someone being loaded into an ambulance, and someone getting handcuffed and put in a police car. I was relieved they found the car stolen but I was shocked to see it was a little girl they were arresting. Well, I say little girl but she was probably around 14. We were stuck there a little while longer while they cleaned up the remainder of the wreck. After about an hour we were moving regularly. Which still wasn't very fast, but better than just sitting there. I made it about 6 miles from where the wreck had been before my car stopped. I sighed and looked down at the blinking 'E' sign on my gas gauge. I put my car in Neutral and let it coast over to the side of the road. I put on my hazard lights and went to my trunk. Great. No gas can. I sighed and slammed the trunk shut. I went to the drivers side and grabbed my keys, purse, and cellphone before slamming the door shut and locking it. I looked to my left and my right and saw a gas station about half a mile down the road. I smiled satisfied and started walking. I regreted wearing my sweatpants as I walked through some tall bushes and they kept getting snagged. I finally made it over to the place and walked in. I went over to the gas can and purchased it. 

I walked out and filled up the can. Once it was full I capped it and began my journey back to my car. On my way back a homeless guy stopped me. 

"Hey, you got any money missy?" 

I gave him a sweet smile before reaching in my purse and pulling out $20. He thanked me and went on his way. Yeah, I know that money is probably going to go to drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes but I've been there. And I'm no better than he is, so, why not. I made it to my car and put the gas in. Once I got it started I pulled onto the road and into the gas station. I filled my tank all the way up before heading home. 

*****A long ass 3 hour drive later 

I pulled into my driveway and smiled happily. Man, it's been a while since I've been here. I turned off my car and opened the back. I pulled all my junk out and shut and lock the door behind me. I went to the front door and twisted the handle. Locked. Smart Jacen. I got my keys out and opened the door. 


Good. Jacen isn't here. I took my bags upstairs and threw them on my bed, deciding I'd unpack later. I ran back downstairs and ripped open the frigde. Sunny D. Party! I grabbed the jug and drunk straight out of it. I went to the cabinet and found my Lucky Charms. I smiled again and grabbed the box plopping down on the couch with my items. I turned on the TV and saw that 1000 ways to die was on. Life really couldn't get better. I snuggled into the couch and watched stupid people die doing stupid things. My phone began ringing and I looked at the caller I.d. Jacen? 

Not Good Enough (Falling in Reverse and Escape the Fate FanFic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt