41. My New Life, With You.

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Ronnie's POV: 

We wondered around going from game to game, ride to ride. Hours passed and we laughed and teased each other.  

"Clown water gun game?" Carter asked 

"Sure." I said, trying not to yawn. 

"Yay!" she yelled running to the booth. I couldn't help but laugh. She's so much like a kid, it's so adorable though. We approached the booth and flashed our bracelets to the guys. He nodded and explained the game, even though we already knew the rules. He hit a red button, which start the clock. 

"Nnoooo! Stop beating me!" Carter yelled 

"Never. I'm just good like that." I teased 

"Oh really? Then have fun losing." she said as she shoved me away from my water gun 

"Hah! I'm gonna win now!" she celebrated 

"Only because you cheated!" I defended trying to get ahead of her again, but the buzzer went off 

"And the lady wins!" the booth guy yelled, handing her a pink teddy bear. 

"But she cheated!" I whined 

"I didn't see anything." the guy laughed 

"She pushed me off of the stool!" I said 

"Well, even if she did, there's so sign saying 'Thou Shalt Not Shove Others Out of Their Chairs' now is there?" he asked sarcastically 

"No." I pouted 

"Aw, Wonnie. Cheer up. You can have the bear." Carter offered. 

"No. It's okay. Even if I won I'd give the prize to you. Just cause I'm sweet like that." I told her as we wondered away from the booth 

"Damn. Now I feel bad!" Carter laughed 

"You should. That hurt!" I teased her.  

We kept walking until Carter spotted a face painting station. And of course, being Carter she just had to get one. 

"Oooh. I want this one!" she said pointing to a flaming heart. She would. 

"Looks cool. Go for it." I said waiting in line with her 

"I want the flaming heart, and he'll get the pink unicorn." Carter said once we got to the front 

"You are lucky I love you. Unicorns are so stupid! And fake!" I said 

"They are not!" Carter said, sounding like a child.  

"Fine. I believe you." I said, crossing my arms. Once we got done with the face painting we walked around aimlessly again. 

It was almost midnight and the carnival was beginning to close. We had all our stuffed animals and cottoncandy in hand, I was heading towards the gate when Carter said 

"Hey, one more ride on the merry-go-round?" she asked so sweet it was impossible to say no, no matter how tired I was. 

"Sure babe." I said as I walked over to the ride with her. 

"Sorry, we're closed." the guy at the gate said as we approached. 

"Aw, come on man. It's.... 11:57. And it's for my girl. Just one more ride." I practically begged. He looked from me to Carter before sighing 

"Fine. Only one ride. Go ahead." he said opening the gate for us. 

"Thanks man." I said as I patted him on his back and entering through the gate. I took our stuff and set it down next to the ride before joining Carter on the same horses we rode before. The lights swirled and the music blared. Time seemed to freeze as she laughed. We went round and round laughing and just enjoying each others company. Once the ride ended we hopped off, grabbed our stuff, and thanked the guy one more time before heading out the main gates, holding each others hands. Once outside the gates Carter stopped, causing me to trip over air. 

"What is it?" I asked, worried 

"Just wanted to enjoy this moment." she said with a giggle, which made me laugh too. 

"It has been a good day, huh?" I asked her smiling 

"A really, really good day..." she trailed off looking up at me with those green eyes, and as corny and clíche as it sounds, they seemed to sparkle an extra amount in the moonlight. 

"I love you Carter." I told her 

"I love you too." she said standing on her tip toes to peck my lips. Once she pulled away I heard her say the words I've been waiting for all day 

"Where's that ring?" she asked, and although I was hoping she would say those exact words, my heart still skipped a beat, and my breathing hitched in my throat. 

"It's right here." I said getting the small black box out of my pocket, which made Carter laugh 

"Well you came prepared." she laughed 

"I just thought I'd be optimistic." I said, getting down on one knee 

"Carter Jayden Green, will you marr-" 

"Yes." she said immediately yanking me up and pulling me in for a heart stopping kiss. 

"Yes, I will marry you." she said as I took off her promise ring, placing it on her other hand, and slid the new ring on her finger.  

"I HAVE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FIANCE IN THE WORLD." I screamed as I let her hop on my back and gave her a piggy-back ride back to the car. 

The smile on my face could not be wiped away. 


The End. Sorry loves. 

But don't fret. First chapter of my Max Green story will be up tonight soon after this.  

Thanks for ALL the support on this story. 

I'll miss it as much as all of you. 

And if you liked this story please read my other ones that I'll be posting, as well as my Max Green one-shot that alright up.  

Again, Thanks and I luff ya'll 



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