14. Shook The Hand Of Doubt

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Carter's POV:

"Hey sleepy head. It's time to get up." I smoothing female voice called to me.

"Alright. Thanks Jacen for not jumping on my bed. Or pouring water on me." I answered her starting to wake up.

"You're welcome. I thought I'd wake you up before the guys got a chance to.  I've experianced one of their wake ups. No one should have to go through that." She smiled warmly at me and left. I am really starting to enjoy her company. She's sweet. I feel bad about ever being a jerk to her. I rolled over and went to my bathroom to get ready for the day. I was a little grumpy until I remembered that Dylan was coming to town. A smile immediately found its way across my face. I can't be sure but I think I still have feelings for Dylan. Who wouldn't? I can't help but think about Ronnie too. I'm not sure why, it's not like he likes me back. I shook my head and finished getting ready.

"CARTER. If you want me to go to the airport with you to get your little boyfriend you need to hurry up." Craig shouted from outside my door.

"Okay, let me get dressed and I'll be right out." I pulled on a Falling In Reverse shirt and some red skinnies. Then I slipped on my black converse and stepped out my door. I was practically sprinting down the stairs when I ran into something tall at the bottom steps. Whatever I hit knocked me to my ass. I rubbed my head and looked up at Ronnie.

"Nice move Carter. Watch where your going." He told me with a smirk on his face. He still seemed a little sad though.

"It is not my fault. Who stands at the bottom of the stairs like that?" I asked getting up and dusting myself off.

"Me, apparently. You okay?"

"Yeah, nothing is hurt but my dignity. Hey, what are you up to today?" I asked smiling at him hoping he'd forget about my fall.

"Not much. I've got a date later on today. Why?" My smile faltered a bit. I tied to hide it but I think  he still saw it. A date? With who? This sucks. I really want to cry, wait. Why do I care so much? It's his life.

"Oh. That's cool. And I was asking to see if you wanted to go to the airport with Craig and I to pick up my friend Dylan." I managed to speak. I put on another smile but I knew it didn't reach my eyes. I need to work on my fake smiles.

"Uhm, sure. I'll go with you guys. When are you leaving?" I guess he chose to ignore my fake happiness. I'm glad though. I don't want to have this conversation.

"Right now actually. Craig is already at the car I think." I told him

"What about me?" Craig asked walking from the kitchen

"I thought you were at the car. Guess not. Well Ronnie is coming with us so let's go." I told him. He nodded and we all headed towards the front door. Craig climbed in the front seat of his Mustang. I guess we are going in style. I was reaching for the passenger seat when I was pushed out of the way.

"Really Ronnie!? You could have just said I want the front." I scolded him like a mother would a child. He let out a chuckle and said

"Max did that to me. I wanted to get even, he's not here so you'll have to do."

"That is so not fair."

"Would you two stop being stupid and get in?" Craig yelled. I sighed and went to the backseat. We drove towards LAX with the sterio blasting Love Addict by FF5. The drive to the airport wasn't too long and before I knew it we were climbing out Craig's car walking to one of the gates. We arrived at the gate just in time for the people to come pooring out of it. I caught a glimpse of Dylan. He hasn't changed one bit. Besides the tattoos. And... piercings!? Woah. I lied, he's changed a lot. He's taller now, a good 6ft. His hair was the same legth its always been: long enough to cover his eyes and ears, but not as long as Craig's. It was still dark brown too. His ears were gauged, which was new. So were the snake bites. And his full sleeve of tattoos. But it was still my Dylan! Before I could stop myself I was running towards him and pounced on his back.

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