29. Movies, Secrets, and Sleep

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Craig's POV: 

"We have a new house guest." Carter spoke this time. My jaw dropped. I couldn't say anything for a while. 

"You didn't." I said in a disbelieving tone. She couldn't have! They couldn't have. 

"We kinda did. Hey, Tayleyy, say hello." Carter said to someone who I'm assuming was sitting with her. 

"Hi-i Craig. I'm T-hayleyy. I'm a HUGE ETF fan. I'm so sorry about your car. It was a dumb mistake, I wasn't in my right mind.... I'd been walking for hours and was just tired... Excuses I know but, god. I'm so fucking, sorry excuse my language, sorry. Really and truly I am. If you give me this chance I'll promise not to fuck up again." she said in one long breath, mushing words together. I couldn't help but laugh. Had we of met under different circumstances I might have become friends with this girl. 

"I believe you." I sighed running my hand through my hair, "but remember it's not just Jacen, Carter, and I living there. We need to check with the others. But for now, get comfy. You can stay. Who am I to deny you help that could possibly turn your whole life around? Now go. Go little grasshopper. And watch cartoons. I'll talk to the guys. Bye." I heard a ton of squeals and some thanks and a few goodbyes before the line went dead. 

"What was that about?" Monte asked through a mouthful of Cheerios. I grimaced at his lack of manners and yelled 

"HOUSE MEETING. BACK LOUNGE." Monte sprung up and ran to the lounge. Robert sauntered back taking his sweet time. I called Ronnie's cell 

"Ronald. Get your ass to the ETF bus. House meeting." I hung up and waited. We were stopped at some gas station in between gigs. A few minutes later I heard the door open and close then the sound of boots on the bus floor. Ronnie finally poked his head into the lounge and took a seat in between Robert and Monte. I sat on the table facing them. 

"What's so important that you ripped me from my Halo 3 marathon? I was kicking Mika's ass!" Ronnie whined. 

"Shut up Radke. Anyway, you know how someone stole my car?" everyone nodded and leaned closer now curious about what I was about to say. 

"Well the girls met the culprit. Some kid. Her name is Tayleyy. Jacen said it was a kid, but didn't give me a specific age. Anyway, they dropped the charges and found out she's in an abusive situation." the guys sat back and let out sighs of grief and understanding. Then I continued 

"So the girls got her stuff and she is now staying at the house. I told her to get comfy for now and I'd talk to you guys about it to see how permanent this arrangement really is." the guys exchanged looks with one another before Robert spoke 

"As long as the runt doesn't break my aviators, I'm cool with it." he looked to Ronnie who said 

"If Carter likes her then she must have a reason. It's fine with me." All our eyes then turned to Monte who exclaimed 

"YAY. A pet!!" we all chuckled knowing he was dead serious. We talked a little while longer before the driver announced we were about to leave. Ronnie said his goodbyes and went back to his bus. Robert went back to his bunk and Monte returned to his Cheerios. Mentioning something about calling the girls. I was too tired to hear what he said, or let alone care. I sighed and laid down on the lounge and quickly slipped into sleep dreaming about my Mustang, but not before convincing myself I'll call Gab and tell her everything before our gig tonight.

Monte's POV: 

I went back to the cramped kitchen on our tour bus and set back down to my Cheerios. I pulled out my phone and dialed Carter to give her the good news. 

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