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The two of us hop into the back seat. Within seconds, Becca is pulling up her shirt.

"Listen, Bec. You're great and all but I'm not up for this." I say as she sits in front of me in a thin, white tank top.

"Good," she says while tossing her shirt in the trunk. "Cause you're not going to." She pushes me down to where I'm laying down while she rest under my arm. "I just wanna have a warm sleep."

I look forward. I see the stage lights from between the chairs and Becca's hair.

"Daniel?" she whispers. This catches my attention since I'm no longer Danny-boy.


"I'm sorry."

"You were just a little angry. It's understandable."

"Not that. I meant from the start. Suzanne couldn't come so I kinda just tricked you into this. Hell, I probably should've gotten to know you before I called you my partner. I should have told you what we'd be partners for beforehand."

"Becca" I say while holding her closer to me. "It's okay. I had fun. It was pretty fun to get out for once instead of sitting at home."

"Well, you're very welcome, then."

I pause and think for a second. "I just thought of something."


"Mike said people actually take bets on this thing. That's not true, right?"

She shifts her body a little. "It's kinda like a game. People pick their favorite team and go to the headmaster, Mike, to put in a bet. We get a share if we win. We get that, the belt, and entry fees."

"How much is entry fees?"

"Well, every team pays fifty to play. By the size of the party today, we could get three thousand at the least."

I'm taken aback for a second. Suddenly, Becca's urgency to play becomes more reasonable. "You said you needed the money."

"That's true."

I pause for a second. "Then you got a partner in me," I say with a small laugh.

She looks up me and her big eyes stare me down. The moonlight highlights her in a blue tint. I feel a kind of warmth wherever her body connects with mine. It was intimidating and exhilarating. It was terrorizing and thrilling. It was shocking and soothing. It was Becca in her purest form.

"Thank you, Danny-boy." She stretches her neck and leaves a tiny kiss on my cheek before resting her head on my chest.

I let a hushed chuckle loose. "No problem, Becky-girl." I feel her smile form against me.

I let my head lay back and stare at the car's ceiling. Blonde before the Weekend still plays outside for a tiresome crowd. I decide to rest my eyes and tune out everything else. In one night, I went from being an introvert to being a key component in a competition. One night and I went from lying in bed alone to lying in the back seat with this beautiful girl. One night really can change a guy. Soon enough, my eyelids get heavy and I let myself drift into sleep.


I wake up to the sun flickering in my eyes. It takes me a second to notice the tree whipping past and the buildings coming up. I lift myself into a seated position as I see Becca in the driver's seat. Her driving is slightly quicker and more direct than my liking but nothing too unsettling. I get up and slide into the passenger side.

"You're in a rush to get out of there."

"That's the point, remember. As soon as you get up, you leave and get ready for war the next day."

"So, the game starts tomorrow?" I question while buckling in.

"Nope, it starts today."

"Then how am I supposed to fight without a water gun?"

You can see the gears turning in Becca's head. "Shit! I forgot!" she slaps her hand against the dashboard in a fit of anger.

"It's okay. I'll just stay in the house until we can get one."

She looks around for a second. "I'll get one today and give you an address to give it to you."

"Why not give it to me at school?"

"You don't bring assassins to school. It's another honor thing. You do and you'll be disqualified in a blink."

"Then where do I go?"

"I'll talk to Tracy and Trent to let us hangout. It'll be a chance to talk about our alliance."

"I thought we had to shoot at everyone we can."

"People kept playing favorites. It just kinda ruined the sense of competition. A few years ago, they made what they called the 'Collaborator Rule.' Each team can have two alliances. You don't exactly fight side by side but it's more of a publicized truce. We'll have one with Tracy and Trent and one with Nate and his partner."

"Not Josh? You two seemed pretty close at the party."

"That's the key word: two. Mike wouldn't allow it and alliances can only happen if both partners agree."

"Damn. That must suck."

"Yeah, it does. Anyways, be at 508 West Mock St. at 5 tomorrow. I'll have the water gun then.

We drive on and pass the bridge over the drainage river. Within a few short minutes, we're in front of Becca's apartment. We both exit the car and meet in the front of the car. She swiftly pulls me into a tight hug. "I'll see you later, Danny-boy."

"See you later, Becky-girl."

With that, we part ways. I get into the driver's seat and she goes up the stairs. I begin to pull out and see Becca disappear in her white tank top. It isn't until I get into traffic that I remember something; her shirt is still in the trunk of the car.

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