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Becca and I drive to Trent and Tracy's house next Monday. Apparently, the fall caused Trent's arm to break. From what he's told us, It's just a little fracture. I'm very concerned for Trent but my mind's somewhere else at the moment.

Usually, Becca and I have long conversations whenever we drive together. Today was different. The two of us sit in silence and listen to the radio in hopes the other will find the courage to speak up. However, we don't. Ever since her little thing with Josh, I've been hesitant to talk about it. She obviously feels the vibe I'm giving off and stays silent as well.

Finally, we arrive at Trent and Tracy's place and head into the backyard and into the conservatory. Trent is resting on the couch with a blue sling around his left arm. Tracy is in her own personal corner painting a tall, clay vase.

"Hey, guys," Tracy says putting the finishing touches on a floral design. "Be there in a second."

Becca nods. "Okay. How are you holding up Trent?"

"I'm fine. It doesn't really hurt too much so that's a plus."

Becca and I sit down on the couch. Due to our situation, Becca sits beside Trent's left while I sit on the edge on the right side of the couch.

"Where's Nate?" I ask.

"He's hiding away. He feels a little guilty about what happened."

"Why is it his fault?" Becca asks.

"We were doing pretty well until he saw it was Harley and Wess. He didn't wait for my call and blew the whole thing up in our faces. I understand he'd be upset and not all of this is on him. But it sucks that I'm out now."

"Hey," tracy says while spinning the vase around to reveal a batch of hot pink tulips entangled within one another to form a shape similar to that of a heart. "What do you fellas think?"

We all give her different cheers. "It looks beautiful," "Good job, Trace," "That came out pretty nice," and other things along those lines.

"And don't worry, Trent. I'm still in the game and so is Nate, Becca, and Daniel."

"And Josh," Becca says in an attempt to help boost Trent's spirits. Instead, it rises a few questions.

"What exactly did you and Josh talk about?"

I could have dealt with her saying he wanted to get back together with her. I could have dealt with her saying that she wanted to be with him. But, what I couldn't deal with was the stark silence.

"Bec?" Tracy questions while joining us and sitting between Trent and I.

"He said he wanted to wish me luck with the game. I told him I couldn't stand not being in an alliance with him." That hit home a bit. "Then we reminisced about when we were together. We laughed a lot and went to a fast food place after school. We just got some burgers and it just an all around good time. He drove me home an hour later. When I'm stepping out of the passenger seat, he..." Becca doesn't say another word. She only smiles.

"What he'd do?" Tracy asks. I can tell she's interested in the story but also trying to be considerate about my growing discomfort.

"He...He kissed me. I didn't know what to do so it just dragged on. When he pulled away, I said thanks for the ride and I'll see him around. It was a good day."

Her smile is unwavering and the twinkle in her eye shines a little brighter. Everything just seems better for her when she talks about him. I decide to remove myself from the situation.

"I'm gonna get going," I say while standing and heading to the car. As I'm just outside the gate, I hear Becca behind me.

"Daniel!" I turn around only to feel her lips on mine. She leans on me and pins me to the gate. It's one of her best kisses yet. "I love you," she says after pulling away.

"Then why were you grinning so much when you talked about you and Josh making out in his car?"

"Danny-boy, Josh and I did have something. But that's long gone now. We just talked over dinner."

"About what?"

She sighs and looks down on the ground. "I'll tell you if it makes you trust me. But you can't tell anyone."

"Okay," I say.

"Don't go to the Blonde before the Weekend concert. Josh told me Mike has some big plan that will ruin our game if we go."

"How will going to see a cheesy local band ruin our game?"

"He didn't say. He just told me not to go and that if Mike finds out people know, he's gonna be gunning for us."

"Then why did he kiss you?"

"It's a long story. Just know that he's over and done with. He kissed me and I was caught off guard. I promise I only have eyes for you Danny-boy. I love you."

I think everything over for a second. I'm still concerned and wondering if I'm overthinking or if this itch in my gut is too much to ignore. However, I tell her, "I love you too, Becca."

She wraps her arms around my neck while standing on the tips of her shoes. I just pull my arms across the small of her back and attempt to push any negative thoughts from my mind.

"You guys are adorable," Tracy says from behind us. "Now, come back in. Let's hang out for a bit."

Becca and I separate for a moment only to have Becca tuck herself under my arm as we walk back to the conservatory. She may give a grin to the thought of Josh, but I see those white teeth peering out as she smiles so closely to me.

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