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Monday, Everyone was chatting about the "Lake Ankle assault." I heard a pair of girls chatting about it behind me in government class. However, to my surprise, it wasn't about Trent, Nate, Tracy, or myself. Instead, It was about Wess.

"He caught that slimy little bastard hiding in a tree."

"Is it the same guy that tries to fight him, like, everyday."

"Yeah. The only bad thing that came out of that was Harley got hosed down when Wess was trying to protect her."

"DId he at least get the guy?"

"No. The branches and leaves messed up his shot. He did get one of his friends right between the eyes with a water balloon. It sent him tumbling into the lake."


I think of this all over again. There's so many faults with their side of the story. One, If using Harley as a human shield to keep yourself from getting hit was protecting them, Wess did a pretty solid job. Next, Wess had didn't take a single shot at Nate. Finally, Trent only fell onto the ledge. He didn't plummet off the cliff and slam into the lake.

Oh well. I guess we should at least be proud of getting a competitor like Harley out. But, it was almost an eye for an eye situation with Trent eliminated.

Class ended and I walked to the black pyramid to join the others. I got there before the rest which was a tad different than usual. Most of the time, Becca, Nate, or Tracy is there before me and waiting to strike up a conversation. However, it's just me on my lonesome.

I look over towards the ramada and see a very upset Harley with a very distant Wess. Both appear pissed as hell. Wess looks up and for a split second, we lock eyes. It's almost as if he's sending a mental warning to me from across the courtyard. To the snack bar towards the far left, I see Becca. To my displeasure, she's not moving towards the pyramid to join me. Instead, she's sipping a smoothie in a styrofoam cup with Josh close to her side. I push the thought aside and return to focus. I see Tracy and Trent heading down the stairwell behind me.

"I told you I'm alright," Trent groans.

"Go whine to mom. She just wants me to make sure you're getting around alright. Hey, Daniel."

"Hey. Is everything alright?"

"Trace won't let me take two steps without babying me. She was waiting outside my classroom when the bell rang."

"Once again, whine to mom, not Daniel."

"Where's Nate at?" I ask.

"I don't know. He's probably still beating himself up. I'm sure he'll be back tomorrow."

"You really think he's that upset."

"Beats me. I'm gonna get something to eat."

"Alright, let's go," Tracy says while putting her hand on Trent's shoulder.

Trent swings his right arm away to cause Tracy to back off. "I can do this on my own." He walks off swiftly to avoid any opposition from his twin.

Tracy just waves it off and plants herself closely beside me. "So, what's new with you?"

"Nothing much. People are painting Wess as a hero at Lake Ankle."

"Who cares? We got four people out that day; one of them being Harley. Like, have you seen Nate's bets since then?"

"No, what are they?"

"One sec," she pulls out her phone and within a few rapid taps, opens up the blog. "Nate has gotten eighty-five in bets since he eliminated Harley. That doesn't include the money transferred from her to him. You and I aren't doing too bad ourselves. I got thirty-five and you got fifty."

"Nice, we seem to be in a good spot."

"That's right. We should celebrate."

I'm caught a bit off guard from Tracy's beaming enthusiasm. "What do you mean? Go out to get a barbeque pizza?" I ask with genuine curiosity.

"No," she laughs as if my inquiry was an obvious joke. "Something more fun."

"Okay, what exactly do you have in mind?"

"Let's go to the B.B.T.W. concert." Her eyes beam with joy but I'm not convinced.

"I'm not sure, Trace."


That is a good question. I promised Becca I wouldn't tell anyone about, well, whatever little information she gave me. I don't know how well Tracy is at keeping secrets. "I just have a bad feeling about Mike being there."

"So, what? Me, you, and Nate. It'll be fun."

I think over her last statement. "Just the three of us? What about Trent and Becca?"

"Trent is never into social events like this. If he ever does show, he usually sits in the corner and chugs down water bottles. Becca and I were texting late one night and she said she had other plans." I look over her shoulder as my eyes catch Becca laughing under Josh's arm. Tracy turns and notices exactly what I'm looking at. "Besides," she begins as she puts her hand gently on my arm. "I think you could use a day to just let loose."

I consider everything again. Maybe I do deserve a laid back day. Hell, Becca could be paranoid or even lying about the whole Mike thing. "Fine, We'll go."

"Good to hear, Daniel." Then, trent comes from behind us with his food. He has a plastic container of salad and some chicken strips inside, a cup of pineapple in his hand peering out of his sling. Finally, He holds a nearly full cup of lemonade between his teeth that shakes with each step. "You don't need my help, huh?"

"Neh-huh," he mumbles as the cup bounces with each sound he makes.

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