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Before the party, Becca and I . It wasn't anything critical or important. Becca and I just wanted to be sure his head is in the right place before we go to Harley's and risk him doing something stupid.

"Just don't make a big deal and get all heated," I tell Becca as we get ready for him to arrive.

She picks up some paper plates from the coffee table as I finish washing up some dishes before placing them in the machine.

"Give me a break. When have I ever gotten heated when talking to Nate."

I laugh while drying the last plastic, neon bowl with a rag. "Well, considering I've only known you for a few months and you've gotten hot-headed more times then I can count, pretty often. I'd say pretty often." Once I turn around, I see Becca with a large grin. "What?" I ask while putting the bowl away.

"You'd make a good housewife. Did you ever know that?" she laughs.

I chuckle in return. "You'd be lucky to have someone like me as a housewife."

She then walks up and swings her arms over my shoulders. "I suppose you're right." She then leans in to kiss me. She would've if it hadn't been for the doorbell making her jump. "There's Nate." She begins for the door until I grab her arm.

I pull her back to me and give her a small peck on the lips. "Okay, now we can let him in." Becca flashes one of her signature small smiles as she heads to the door to find Nate waiting.

"Hey, Bec."

"Hey. Come on in. Danny-boy, Nathan's here," she calls out as if I didn't already know it was him. "Make yourself at home."

"Sure," He takes his place on the couch and waits for Becca and I to join him. "Hey, where's your mom? Working late again?"

I look at Becca. I suppose Nate is just another person that doesn't know she lives alone. She only looks down and moves on with throwing away the last bits of trash on the counter. "Yeah," she lies. "She got a new report and said she won't be home until morning. I told her not to feel bad since I'll have company over."

I've always been surprised by how quick-witted she is when it comes to making excuses for her mother's absence. It's both pitiful and impressive.

"Good to hear. Send her my best." The two of us then join him in the living room. "So, Josh told you guys about Harley's party?"

"Yeah," I begin. "Still have any clue why she invited you of all people?"

"Nope. It's probably to get on my good side and keep me off of Wess. That or to rub her better life in face."

"I...uh. I don't think that's it but who knows."

Becca then jumps back in. "So, you know the plan. You and Josh walk in and we get Wess and Mike when you guys find a way in. The only thing we don't know is if you can keep yourself in order."

His eyebrows squish together in defense. "Keep myself in order? You make it sound like I'm some wacked out little child."

"Well, sometimes you act like you are." She says with a bit more force to her voice. Without her turning towards me, I put my hand on her shoulder and feel her calm under my touch. "It's just, I have a lot invested into this contest. I'm sure you wouldn't mess it up on purpose. But sometimes you let your emotions get the better of you. We just need to know if you feel you can handle it. If not, is there anything we can do to help you get over it."

Nate just stares around for a second. He knows that there's a good chance he'll cause a scene and might as well see if we can find a solution. "I can handle her in small doses. It's only when she's with Wess or when there's not many people around and it's just me and her. Other than that, I should be able to keep my head on straight."

"Wess should be performing most of the night with the band so he shouldn't be a problem. Plus, Josh will be by your side the whole time."

He pauses again. "And what if I'm alone with Harley?"

"Just avoid her altogether," I say. "If you see her coming your way, just pretend to be on your phone or something. We should only be there for a short while anyway."

"I suppose," he says half-heartedly.

I feel Becca get riled up again. "Stop letting her control your life!" she almost shouts. "Nobody but you spends more than half a breath on her. She cheated on you, filmed it, and showed it to everyone she could. In case you don't know, she's kind of a bitch. Is that really the kind of girl you wanna be heart-broken about?" She takes a breath and see that she has cut a little too deep. "You're a good guy, Nate. Stop selling yourself for less and let yourself know that you deserve better. Can you promise me you'll at least do that at the party?"

He thinks it all over and lets out a small sigh. "Fine, I guess I'll do that."

"Thank you," Becca says before leaning forward and giving him a reassuring hug. "Now, come on. I have an awesome housewife that cooks quiche for her guest." The three of us laugh as we spend the night conversating about classes, movies, and anything else that plops itself into our minds. Quite frankly, none of us seem to mind what happens during the party at this point.

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