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I drive to 508 W. Mock St. to see a suburb neighborhood on the edge of Concrete City. The green blades of grass cause a definite contrast to the pale white houses. I park the Explorer once I see "508" and walk up to the door with Becca's shirt in my hand.

On my to the porch, I see a neon poster on the gate. I curiously look at it and see the cursive words sprawled across it in Sharpie.

Come on back, Danny-boy. Love, Bec

I decide to listen and pull back the gate. I walk along the side of the house and see a large grassy field open up before me. The backyard would be completely bland if it weren't for a conservatory in the corner under the shade of a giant tree. The conservatory is about eight feet tall. Its square shape makes it about the size of an average living room with a curved dome. I can see Becca on the inside through the glass sipping away at a soda can.

I walk through the glass door and see what could be a small home open up before me. Becca's in the bottom left corner on a white, U-shaped sofa surrounding a glass table. Across from her in the bottom right is a mini-fridge on top of a wooden dresser. Trent is in the top left corner in a swiveling chair. Behind him are two bookshelves that are just barely shorter than the ceiling. However, Tracy, in the top right, has the most cluttered area. The corner's walls are covered with sketches and shelves. On there are collections wooden figurines, clay pots, and cups full of brushes and pencils.

She looks up and smiles at me. "Hey, Daniel," she says while getting up to give me a small hug.

"Hey," I say while hugging her back. I turn to Becca and toss her shirt beside where she sat. "You left that in my trunk last night."

"Thanks," Becca laughs while picking it up.

Tracy only snickers while looking at the two of us. "Wow, Bec. I knew you were adventurous but this is a bit much." Becca only rolls her eyes. "Want a soda, Daniel?" she asks while approaching the mini-fridge.

"I'm okay. Thanks though." I look around and see just how well-kept and organized the place is. "How do you guys afford this?"

"Our parents are lawyers. It was a little gift and part of why Trent and I haven't gone insane with boredom."

Trent then joins us and sits on the sofa. "I liked reading so I made my own personal library of novels and epics. Trace likes to make stuff so she put together her own little work shop. The rest is just to make it a nice hang out."

"Cool," I mumble as I'm still in awe by these people.

The four of us sit down on the sofa and continue to condensate.

"So, we're gonna be allies?"

Tracy just laughs. "No, we're setting up some elaborate trap for you two. Of course, we're allies."

"Yeah," Trent adds. "By the way, Nate said he couldn't make it. He's agreed to team up with both of us."

"What got him caught up?" I ask.

"Why do you think? He fought Wess again. Lucky for him, Wess didn't get a blaster yet. Unfortunately, Wess did have his fist."

"How long has he been at this?"

"Three and a half months," Trent says softly as the room is left in a small period of silence.

"Oh," Becca says while swinging her legs as she stands up. She walks to the dresser and swiftly opens one of the drawers. She pulls out a bright yellow water gun with orange trim. "Catch." She tosses it in my direction. I juggle it for a split second before finally landing a firm grip on it. "I got it this morning."

I look it over. It's obviously a toy. It's only a toy. It has no hazard to it. It's just plastic shaped together to replicate the appearance of some futuristic firearm. "Thank you."

Becca notices my silence. "Now, you have power. They do too. That decides if you walk away this year able to do whatever the hell you want. That decides if you and I stand alone on the mountain top and take home that golden belt. That also decides if you and I waste our time and did everything for nothing. You're welcome."

Tracy just pats my knee. "She's just enjoying the sound of her own voice."

"Am I not right?"

"You are. But this is a game. We all paid the entry fee and bought a blaster. Let's have fun with it. We'll still play to win but that doesn't mean we have to cut throats at every little thing. If we win, we win. If not, we had a good time."

Becca stands for a second. "Fine," she then sits down with a smile. "Just don't be pissy when I take you two out." This causes slight chuckles to fill the conservatory.

We continue to talk until the sun begins to set and the sky turns red. By somewhere around six-thirty, I exit the backyard and leave. From what I know, Becca slept on the sofa as Trent and Tracy go into the house. The whole ride home, I twirl the water gun in my hand.

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