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Becca and I all drive to the conservatory and we walk in to see Trent struggling to turn the page with his bulky cast and Tracy fiddling with another one of her newest paintings. We take our spots as usual on the sofa as we await Josh's arrival.

"So, you don't know what he's gonna talk about?" Tracy asks from across the room as she doesn't lift her focus from the canvas.

Becca nods. "That's right. He just said he has some news that could help us get Mike. Once he's out, It's just him and Wess ahead of the rest of, well, any of us."

Trent then looks up from his book. "Why don't we just have Josh tell us everything he knows, eliminate him here, and then go for Mike."

"He's doing us a huge favor," I say. "Let's just see what he has to say and then thin the herd later. Plus, whatever he tells us will be kind of useless if he goes and tells Mike that we eliminated him."

Just then, We see Josh approaching the conservatory entrance. He turns the doorknob and walks in to see the four of us staring in his direction. "Nice place," he said sternly yet calmly.

"Thanks," Tracy began as she stands to greet him. "Go ahead and make yourself comfortable. Anything in the mini-fridge is free to take."

"Thank you very much. How's your arm Trent?" He asks only to get a slightly evil glare from the male twin.

"Two more weeks and I get the thing off." He then joins the rest of us after putting the book back in the shelf. "Look, let's just get this over with. What is it that you wanted to tell us about Mike."

Josh seems to just brush off or maybe accept the cold tone of Trent. He sits down and puts his hands together. "First things first, you guys can't tell anyone I'm helping you out." We all nod as begins. "Okay, Harley Kendo's birthday is coming up. As a little present, Wess has convinced Mike to have Blonde before the Weekend to play at her party. The only thing is, it's invite only. Mike only agreed if Harley knew for a fact that nobody would bring a water gun. He didn't want anyone taking his bets and now, you don't get in if Harley hasn't handed you the card personally."

"So, there's no way we could get close to them?" Becca asks.

Josh then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a dark red card with a golden, cursive H in the middle. "Not exactly."

"But then only you get in," Tracy says abruptly. "Partners can't eliminate each other and you have an alliance with Wess and Harley."

"Wow, you guys are never gonna let me finish." He lets out some weak chuckles. "Harley gave me the card today and I'll be allowed in. Now, I can take you guys in the car but you'll have to hide until I find a way to sneak in. You'll either hear from me or Nate."

This time, I interrupt him. "Hold on. How will Nate be in there. Wouldn't he be in the car with the rest of us?"

"He didn't tell you guys?" We all give him a confused look that indicates he hasn't. "Nate actually got an invite to the party. Harley actually felt sorry for the dude. After he promised not to fight with Wess, to keep his hands off her, and to give her his water gun at the door, he's allowed inside."

"So, he'll just walk in like that?" Tracy asks.

"That's right. Before you guys get in, we'll find out when we can get Mike and Wess. Nate and I won't have blasters so you guys will have to do the dirty work. After that, you guys go with Nate in his car so I don't raise any suspicion with Mike. It may come to a surprise to you, but I don't like having every heavy hitting assassin on my ass for helping you guys out."

"We understand," Becca says. "The four of us against two egotistical jackasses. I like our odds."

Trent then raises his one good hand. "It's a good plan, but I still have a question. Say we do eliminate the two of them. Hell, say we're lucky enough to get one of them. What happens afterwards when the band, his friends, and whoever snuck in a blaster is on our tails and all of us get eliminated. Nate will then get eliminated because they all know he's associated with us. Then the only one that gets off scratch free is you. Seems like a good coincidence if you think about it."

"Trent, I promise I'll do what I can to give you guys as big of a window as I can. You know that odds are you guys are gonna get eliminated eventually. So, why not get one of the bastards out and reek the glory. Plus, I hate to tell you this, You're eliminated so I think this affects you the least out of all of us."

Trent looks around the room and analyzes the whole situation in his head. You could almost see the gears turning as he thinks it all over. "Fine. I suppose we could go along with it. I just hope you appreciate all the faith we're putting in you for this."

"Trust me, buddy. I do."

"So, when is the party?" I ask.

"Two weeks. It'll be at Harley's house and I'll pick you all up here. Becca can keep you guys posted so Mike won't catch on with us spending lots of time together." He pauses for a sec. "You guys think you'll be ready for all of this."

Becca laughs. "You're talking to Becky-girl, Danny-boy, and Thing 2. In short, it's a toss up."

"Ha. Good to hear."

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