The Ark Part Two

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Chapter 18:

Allen's POV:

I leaned forward slightly as I glared at the spot where Chaoji was, growling slightly when I saw he had been saved by Lavi's hammer. Fighting back the urge to join the Twins in the fight, glaring at the exorcists as the twins fired bullet after bullet at the exorcists. My lips twitching upwards as Kory lunged at the twins, them pointing their guns at Kory as they shouted. "Purple Bomb!"

Purple spectacles looking marking appear around all of our eyes, frowning as I had been in the cross fire, slightly irritated at the twins. Looking around the room as the twins snickered as Devit spoke. "Haha, yo exorcists, I bet you are looking for a key~"

"Look at the ground! There's keys all over it, how are we meant to find it in time before the room downloads?!" Lenalee grabbed a handful of keys and looked up at Lavi, hoping he still had the key.

Lavi dug through his pockets trying to find the key and when he didn't find it his single eye widened. I chuckled at them as Kory looked around the room, they formed a make shift circle that semi protected Lenalee and Chaoji.

"Burning Red Planet!" Fire balls came from every angle as they stared at them wide eyed, trying to block the fire ball as it came closer.

A scream made me grin as the human's shoulder was burnt and small amount of steam came off it, it was beautiful and what he deserved.

Lenalee helped him as I looked around for the twins. "Why don't you just take them out and stop playing around, guys? I know you can if you wanted so why aren't you doing it?"

"Because lil' bro we want to have fun and we still need you to help pay off debt." Devit and Jasdero snickered as my eye twitched, frowning.

"You know I have more debt that was left from the Bastard then you two do! I haven't even scraped what I have to pay to off! Do you want me to tell Road that you kidnapped me when I was thirteen and sold me to a circus?!" I glared at nothing really in the room because I couldn't really see the twins.

The vampire looking exorcist – Kory – appeared behind me and grabbed my wrist. "You bicker too much brat."

The next thing I knew I was flying towards the book shelves, I smashed into them as well as hearing the twins screech in pain. "Hee! Allen that hurt! Hee!"

I looked away from the shouting of the twins when I heard something coming; I saw the count flying towards me as I jumped out of the road. His hand smashed into the wall making more books fall to the ground. "Hmph, I missed them. I should've thrown you harder, brat."

"Can you see them?" I raised a brow at him as he looked at me, his hand on his wrist rubbing it.

"No. But...I seem to be able to sense them. My blood rages too sink my fangs into em', Bwahahaha!" He laughed as he opened his hand to release golden locks of Jasdero's hair. I watched as the locks slowly fell to the ground.

Lavi stood atop of the pillar and the keys on the floor flew off the ground to surround the future bookman. I watched as the keys fly around him as Kory tried to get to the twins. He's going to find the key, he's a bookman and I have feeling I'll be seeing at the end of this.

I smirked and looked around the fight, my eyes narrowed and my smirk widened when I saw the vampire had been consumed by Jasdevi's hatred. I chuckled and looked over at Lenalee who was trying to get to Kory but fell over and couldn't get up thanks to her innocence being pushed past its limit. Foolish girl.

A glowing light and the sound of something creaking open made everyone look over to the bookman, he had opened the door to the next room. The purple spectacles faded away and the twins were in site once again, they cursed as Kory punched them across the room where they smashed into the shelves.

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