Chapter 18 - Don't look back

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It really was too good to be true.

My heart constantly swelled in my chest. I knew something was up. There was always something in the back of my head telling me not to fully trust him, but I ignored it. I ignored it.

I ignored it.

I punched my pillow and dug my face into it. My tears dried out, yet I still craved him. I desperately wanted to call him and confirm if it really was over. I gave up my virginity so fast. I would read stories about girls who would give it up quickly and never understood why.

I felt another pang and clutched my chest. It was too much. The sound of my phone ringing caught me off guard. Did time stop? I hesitated and scoffed. Why would he call me? I grabbed it: Dad.

We talked for about a good twenty minutes, but I didn't tell him about the break up. He doesn't really know much about Yejun, and I'm glad he doesn't.

When we got off the phone, I weakly placed it back on my dresser. It was too much, way too much. Okay, I won't go to school Wednesday. I'll go tomorrow since I don't have his class. Alright, it's lit.

But if he went back to Cindy, I don't see myself forgiving him. Even after everything we've been through, if he tries to apologize to me... I'd tell him to eat some ramen. I wanted to laugh at my thoughts, but the pain was too raw.

Twenty minutes later, Kat came over with three giant king sized Hershey's bars and various chocolate snacks. "Operation: Save Len the hen in process!" She saluted me and threw a Hershey's kiss at me. I caught it and rolled my eyes.

".5% completed!" She yelled. I laughed as she walked inside. "Thank you for comin-"

"I think Charles Michael Davis is calling me!" She yelled as she ran to the living room. I laughed again and closed the door. She put on Netflix and we ended up watching The Originals. "I totally ship Marcel and Rebecca."


I contemplated whether or not I should go to school Wednesday. Was it really worth not going to school for a day? Hell, should I go on Friday? Matter of fact, I'll just cut his class. Simple.

But when Wednesday came, I wanted to see him. I saw him on his way to the gym forth period. I felt his eyes on me, but didn't make any eye contact with him. Since he already saw me, he'll know I'm cutting his class.

Laughing to myself, I shrugged. I went to the bathroom and sat on the warm radiator. Luckily I know methods of bringing my phone in through the metal detectors, so Facebook is currently my best friend.

I wonder how class is going, I mean, he's partnerless right now. He probably doesn't care. 'Oohh, she's not hereu right now.' I mumbled in a horrible Korean accent, 'Finally I canna be freeu.'

After the bell rang, I headed to the stairwell. I waited for Kat and was about to text her, but she didn't bring her phone in. I heard footsteps and saw students come up. They passed me and I impatiently waited for Kat. Finally, the bum came.

She sat down next to me and heaved a long sigh. "That man is cruel." She said after a minute of silence. I looked over at her with a frown. "What happened?"

"He just, well. He's just like before, but because you weren't there, he was extremely upset."

I let out a sarcastic laugh and shrugged. "He's the one who broke up with me..." Kat frowned and I shushed her. "Don't say anything. You know, I always thought it was too good to be true." Sniffing, I wiped a stray tear but kept my composure.

"He wanted me to stay in the city. At least now I can leave..." My whole body felt extremely cold. I blew into my hands and felt myself tremble. "Fuck..." I muttered. Kat hugged me and I tried to warm up, but it wasn't working.

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