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Yooooooo play the song as you read! If it ends, play that shit again lmao


It was day three of my black belt test. We finally finished everything, and it was time to determine whether or not we've earned our black belts.

We rented an auditorium at Queens College for the announcements. I stood on the stage with my fellow Taekwondo players. There were 20 of us from all of the dojangs who qualified. One-by-one, their names were being called. Kat, Matthew, Yeong Jin, Alaric, Cédric and Lexy all stared at me in high hopes.

"Len Hunter." I felt my tears well. It's been a long two years and a half years. My legs felt like jelly. I didn't realize I was moving until I was in front of Master Roman.

His kind brown eyes stared at me. I then noticed he didn't have my black belt in his hands. No. I worked too hard these past three days—these past two and a half years. Am I truly not ready for this belt?

"You've done well, Len."

I bit my bottom lip. Is this what it's become? He only told everyone else good job. Why is he doing this to me? I did as well as everyone else! Master Roman noticed the sadness in my eyes and gave me a small smile. "I will not be giving you your black belt."

I tried to control myself, but all of my stress poured out. I let out an anguished sob and covered my face. The stage was silent. I nodded, totally understanding why. I never did work hard enough. I was struggling with the 200 push ups, I couldn't even do 100. I barely made 80. Why am I saying I deserved the belt when I didn't?

I finished last. Every. Single. Time.

I was about to turn away, but he grabbed my shoulders. "Dry your tears."

"Yes sir." I whispered as I dabbed them on my sleeve. He squeezed my shoulders and kept his smile. I didn't have the courage to look at my friends. I turned around and accepted the fact that I'm not ready. My poomsae wasn't even good. I had to pause in the middle and continue because I forgot for ten seconds.

I turned around to walk back to my spot, sleeve still wiping my eyes. I can't believe I failed. I accidentally bumped into one of them, eyeing their black belt. It was written in Korean, which costs extra. It must be nice. "Sorry." I muttered.

I stepped past them, surprised when they grabbed my wrist.

"Why are you sorry?" I paused and felt my heart constrict.

My heart painfully throbbed in my chest. Everything was in slow motion. I looked back, nearly having a heart attack. His index and thumb held my chin up, a playful grin on his face. I stared at him in shock. My whole body called out to him.

"Yejun..." I whispered, "You're..."

His dark eyes glinted in the light, his grin stretching even wider. I then noticed the black belt in his hand. My name was written in gold on one side with a gold stripe, and the other side had Korean writing on it. I closed my eyes and instantly engulfed him in a hug.

Yejun hugged me back, a satisfied sigh leaving his mouth. He's using the same cologne still. He still has the same intoxicating scent that faded in the house a year ago. I hugged him tighter, afraid he'd somehow disappear.

"I don't break promises." He whispered in my ear, "I watched you since the first day of your test. You've done well, Len."

I nodded, grateful to be in his arms. When I pulled back, I noticed how young he looked. How is it he's older now but looks my age? Korean skincare is so lit. I noticed a giant wet spot on his dobok and frowned. I didn't mean to soil it, I didn't even realize I was still crying.

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