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••Maddie's POV••

With Luke finally home everything settled down a little, at least that's what I thought.

I had just gotten done curling my hair as I heard Jason and Luke yelling again. They've been arguing a ton lately and it's making me upset. Jason and I have gotten a lot close lately and I learned a ton about him. His favorite color is blue, he likes spaghetti, he wants to move to a house right on the beach, etc. Minus the fact that he's, well, Jason McCann, he's a very normal person.

I walked downstairs and it got quiet.

"Hey Jase," I said as I kissed his cheek and sat down ready to eat lunch.

Jason smiled as a way to say hello.

Luke speaks up to break the silence, "so Maddie, are you finally starting to get comfortable here?"

"Somewhat, yeah, but I miss my family"

"I know, but don't you think this is better than that?"

I just shrugged my shoulders and kept eating.

••Jason's POV••

Maddie, Luke, and I all went to the mall that afternoon and of course, Maddie had to stop into Victoria's Secret. I don't understand the obsession with the place, like the lingerie is hot, but can't you get that at other places?

We came home that night and all i could think of is the red lingerie Maddie bought. Why she bought it beats me because she's not going to let me smash and she sure as hell won't let Luke smash either.

I was walking upstairs to go to my room to get changed for bed as I passed Maddie's door. It was cracked open so i decided to peek in.. Maddie was trying on the red lingerie. I'm not sure what it is about the color red on her, but it did things to me. I snapped a picture of her and her bare ass with my phone before stepping in. 

"Gotcha" I said as I held my phone to show Maddie the picture i had taken.

"JASON!" she yelled at me. But i couldn't take her seriously because she was still in the lingerie. Damn.. the things i would do to-
My thoughts were cut off my Maddie practically tackling me to the ground as she reached for her phone.

I tossed my phone to the side and flipped Maddie and myself over so I was on top. I stared at her boobs with no shame because, even though she won't admit it, that body is mine.

I slowly kissed up her neck, biting gently here and there until she closed her eyes and I earned a moan from her. I found her sweet spot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2016 ⏰

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