Jealous Jason

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••Maddie's POV••

I sat on the couch not knowing what Jason and/or Luke wanted with me.

"Why did you take me? Like what do you want with me?" I asked quietly.

Jason looked at me and it seemed as though he was searching for an acceptable answer to tell me.

"We need a girl in the gang to help with a few things, and i mostly just want a girl... it's lonely sometimes, Madison. I'm sure you don't know much about that, but it is lonely and i want a girl in my life" Jason finally answered.

How can a criminal want a girl? A criminal, especially like Jason, can't love. And what does he mean i dont know about loneliness? Little does he know lonely's the only emotion i feel anymore. I looked over at Luke who had both of his lips sucked in his mouth.

••Jason's POV••

Of course I was lying about the whole lonely thing. I didn't need a girl. I just wanted to give her an answer that she would like.

"Maddie, is it alright if i call you that?" Luke asked Madison. She nodded as Luke continued, "are you hungry? I can order some pizza or something"

I didn't like how close Luke and Madison had become already.. Luke was just as bad as me but Madison thought i was some monster and Luke was a saint. What the hell!

••Maddie's POV••

I nodded when Luke asked if i was hungry. I was starving; i didn't eat yesterday before work so the last time i ate was a day and a half ago.

Luke had been standing in front of me with his hand out for me to take for a while now, and i had just noticed. I took his hand and he guided me upstairs to a bathroom. He turned the shower on for me and got a towel out for me.

"Thank you, Luke," i smiled at him lightly.

"By the time you're done the pizza should be here.." Luke trailed off. I nodded and Luke walked out. I hopped in the shower and washed with the bar of soap and washcloth. I then realized i had no shampoo other than the axe shampoo and conditioner. I guess i'd be using that. I finished showering, stepped out of the shower, and wrapped the towel around my body. I had no clothes other than my dirty ones, I walked downstairs where I could hear Jason and Luke talking.

I stepped into the kitchen where they were, quite awkwardly, with my towel wrapped around my body. " clothes are dirty and really uncomfortable.. is there any way i can get some clothes to wear?" i asked staring at my feet.

Jason grabbed my arm and guided me upstairs to the bedroom. He told me to sit on the bed while he looked for clothes. I sat down with my hands in my lip as i bit my lip nervously. A black v-neck shirt and grey sweatpants were thrown next to me. "Get dressed, then come downstairs to eat," Jason said. He left the room as i got dressed. My hair was put into a messy bun as i walked downstairs.

Luke motioned for me to come sit with him. I did as told and sat with him and he handed me a plate with pizza on it. The pizza was amazing and i was no longer hungry.

Luke pulled me into his side and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I relaxed under his touch because i trusted him. I shouldn't but i do.

Jason's eyes looked dark. He glared at me and Luke. Was Jason mad? Jealous? Not jealous. He can't be. He hates me. Right?

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