The boy at the Coffee Shop

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••Maddie's POV••

My alarm went off, blaring 5sos, at exactly 6:15. Why was I up this early on a Saturday? Work. I work at a coffee shop in town. It's owned by this really sweet old woman names Mrs. Roberts. Anyways back to getting ready. I got up and showered. I let all of the hot water run down my body to relax myself. I stepped out of the shower onto cold tile floors. Wrapping my warm, fuzzy robe around myself i plugged in my straightener. I blow dried my hair until it was completely dry. I straightened my hair and pinned my bangs back with a bobby pin. I threw on my Hollister jeans, my old black Converse, and put on my work shirt. After doing this I grabbed my phone, car key, and a sweatshirt because tonight after my shift it's supposed to be cold. As i sat in the car and turned it on my phone vibrated indicating i had a text. I opened it, knowing it was a text from my guy best friend Cole.

From: Cole

Remember me? Your best friend? You haven't talked to me in like 2 weeks!

Truth is I havent talked to Cole because of his snobby girlfriend, Pasiley.. But whatever. I ignored the text and went to work.


He walked in.

This boy came in to get his everyday coffee. He came in almost everyday and got the same thing everytime. The boy would always come in and talk to me as he had his coffee. He knew a lot about me, but i knew nothing about him. All i knew is he was incredibly good looking. He's about 5'9ish, carmel brown hair thats always in a quiff, the most gorgeous brown eyes you'll ever see, and he was quite muscular.

"I'll have my usual," the boy said as he walked up to the counter sitting down.

I made him his coffee and decided to find out more about him.

"You've come in here almost every day for the past 4 months now, and i dont know a thing about you," I stated. "What's your name?" I asked shortly after.

He merely just looked at me. I was curious as to why he didnt answer so i asked again. Again, no answer. I decided to give up and walk away. The boy left after finishing his coffee.


I had just finished locking everything up. I walked out the front door and locked that too. As i walked out a towel was quickly put over my mouth. The unfamiliar substance that was on the towel made me very dizzy. Since i got scared and didnt know what was going on i closed my eyes and started counting.


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