Meeting McCann

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••Maddie's POV••

I peeled my eyes open and surveyed ny surroudings. Where am I? I was in a bedroom, laying on a huge king size bed.. Who's bed was this? Who's HOUSE was this? I heard a knock on the bedroom door and i snapped my head in the direction of the door to see who it was.

THE BOY! The one from the coffee shop walked in! What was going on?

"Where am I?" i asked as calmly as i possibly could.

"Does it matter?" the boy said back.

"Well yeah! I have no idea where i am and my parents are probably so worried about where i am! oh my goodness what if-what if they think im kidnapped?!" i continued rambling on and on. Finally the boy put his hand up for me to stop talking.

"If they think you're kidnapped then i guess they're right," he replied like it was no big deal.

"WHAT! Who are you!? What do you want with me?" I continued asking question after question until a loud smack echoed off of my cheek. I looked up at the boy in shock. Holding my hand to my cheek, tears welled in my eyes.

"You're horribly annoying," the boy said simply. "I'm Jason McCann. You must know me from the news reports, correct? Well i don't want anything from you, i want your sister."

"P-please leave my sister alone. Y-you can h-have me instead. Just leave Alexa alone please.. P-please," I managed to say through my sobs.

Jason stared at me not saying a word. Instead, he grabbed me by the hair, pulling me downstairs where the was another boy, who seemed to be older than me by a year or two,sitting on the couch.

"What the hell!" i yelled in Jason's face about him pulling my hair. Another smack. I held my hand on my cheek. This smack was harder than the other one.

"Shut the fuck up!" Jason spat back, pushing me to sit on the couch. "This is Luke," he motioned to the boy on the couch next to me.

Luke smiled at me lightly, "hi sweetheart," he brought my hand up to his lips and laid his lips on he top of my hand, kissing it lightly.

I smiled back, then looked down at my lap. Luke seemed really nice and genuinely sweet. He was also really hot. Jason was a little better looking, but still. Why wasn't Jason like Luke personality-wise?

"Little miss princess over here said we can have her if we leave her sister alone. So should we take her up on this deal?" Jason asked Luke.

"There is no we, Jason. YOU want the sister. But yes you should take her up on that deal," Luke replied, looking at me.

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