Intro: Jason Lucas McCann

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My name's Jason and i'm not exactly a very 'liked' person. I'm 20 years old and I'm wanted throughtout the country for lots of different things. I'm wanted for drug deals, murders, and plenty of other things. I'm the leader of the gang in Las Vegas, Nevada. We have gangs all over the country, not just in Vegas. I'm co-leader of EVERY gang, i just happen to want the one in Vegas all to myself because we're the strongest. My great grandfather was the leader of the original gang until Luke (the leader of the all the gangs) came along and just took over. I hate him with every fiber of my being, but since he is the leader i have to listen to him.

Everyday i stop at the coffee shop on Melrose Ave. and greet the server Madison. She's a genuinely sweet girl, and she's absolutely stunning, but her sister is who i want. Alexa, Madison's sister, is 22 and she's extremely hot. I have a plan to get Alexa, but it involves Madison. I hate killing innocent people, but if it's to get what I want, then who cares?

I waited outside in the alley way next to the coffee shop for Madison's shift to end. At exactly 9:30 she walked out, going to her car. I ran quickly up behind her and put the towel over her mouth and nose.

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