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••Maddie's POV•

I layed in bed with Jason laying next to me. He had carried me upstairs after i fell asleep on the couch last night. After last night Jason has been acting really weird. He's really touchy now and is always hugging me or kissing my cheek or something like that. He doesn't like me to be with Luke all the time and it's kind of getting annoying. Jason doesnt even like me so why is he jealous?

Suddenly Jason moving and mumbling in his sleep. "Mine," Jason said then paused. "S-she's mine. Luke can't have her. Maddie's my and only mine," he continued. I sat there shocked not knowing what to think.

Did Jason really like me or was this some stupid thing he was doing to get me to like him. Finally, Jason woke up and turned to face me. He smiled at me, and i smiled back. Jason kissed my forehead lightly before speaking, "we have to go over some rules i have Maddie." I nodded. "First, don't bother trying to escape because 1- everything has locks and alarms. 2- I have 2 dogs that are trained to track people so even if you do somehow get out they'll find you within 15-20 minutes. 3- the fence around the house is electric and has barbed wire around it so good luck with that." I looked down at my lap and nodded lightly.

Jason continued with his rules.

I couldn't try to escape, can't go anywhere with anybody in Jason's gang without him knowing, when i go to meetings with him no talking, no talking back, no bitchy comments, i have to do as he says, and lastly whatever Jason says goes. He said if i don't follow these rules he'll treat me horribly, but isn't he already treating me poorly?

••Jason's POV••

Ok, i'm going to be honest. Ever since i've met Maddie she's given me butterflies. She makes me nervous, but a good nervous. What's not to like about her honestly?

When i saw her with Luke last night that's when i realized i like her. I want to be with her. I want her to be mine..

After i finished telling Maddie her rules i told her just to wear the clothes she has on yesterday, but i gave her my sweatshirt to wear since it's freezing out. I was going to take her shopping, out to lunch, and then back home. I was trying to get her to trust me like she trusted Luke.

••Maddie's POV••

I got dressed into the clothes i wore yesterday and put my hair into a braid. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs to wait for Jason. I sat on the couch and took a chance to look around at the house. There were lots of expensive things. Jason came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and began planting small, sweet kisses on my neck.

I just stood there not moving a muscle until i finally said, "can we go now?"

4 hours later•

I grabbed the bags of clothes, shoes, some jewelry, and make up, and took them upstairs to my room. I started unloading all of the stuff and putting it away until i heard yelling coming from downstairs. "She's MINE! I brought her here, Luke!" Jason yelled. What were they arguing about?

I tip-toed down the steps and stood at the bottom where I could see Jason and Luke yelling at eachother.

"She's already starting to fall in love with me for fucks sake! Maddie's mine, Jason! Get over it!" Luke spat at him.

They were arguing over me?

"I'll make her fall in love with me! Y-you just- you got- ugh! She's mine!" Jason yelled stumbling on his own words.

I stumbled down the last 3 steps, making a loud noise causing Jason and Luke's head to snap back to me.

"H-hi" i said while smiling nervously.

"How much of that did you hear?" Luke and Jason said in unison.

"Enough to know that you two were arguing over me.." i mumbled.

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