Betting on Love

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10 days later
(1 day before Luke comes home)

••Maddie's POV••

Jason and I have become really close and he gets more and more perfect everyday.

Luke comes home tomorrow and it makes me nervous. What if him and Jason argue again? I don't want to ruin their friendship.

I layed outside on the tanning chair. Jason was swimming around in the pool. My phone vibrated and i opened the text i had just recieved.

From: Luke
Hey beautiful, just got on the plane should be home in 2 to 3 hours. Can't wait to see you

I smiled as i read the text and put my phone down. As i looked up i noticed Jason was standing beside me with a towel wrapped around himself.

"Who was that?" Jason asked while staring down at me.

"Luke, he said he just got on the plane and he'll be home in a few hours."

"Maddie, do you wanna be with Luke?" Jason said under his breath. I thankfully caught what he said because i knew if i asked what he said again then he would say nothing or nevermind.

I didn't know if i wanted to be with Luke honestly. I was growing to like Jason more and more each day because i was learning what the real him was like. Luke was sweet and caring towards me from the start. Jason, on the other hand, was not. But Jason wasn't like that because he was jealous of Luke...

Who do i choose?

I shook my head as a response to Jason's question.

"Do you want to be with me?" he asked, speaking up more this time.

Yes is what my heart told me, but my head said no.

I nodded my head and didn't say a word. I stood up to go inside and act like nothing happened. As i started to walk Jason grabbed my waist and spun me around and locked his lips with mine.

It was a fairly quick kiss but it was sweet and loving. I pulled away from him and looked into his gorgeous, carmel eyes.

••Jason's POV••

As i looked into Maddie's eyes i could tell she was scared or nervous to be with me. She was scared because after all, i had kidnapped her..

I needed to prove to her that i would treat her like the queen that she is. I want her. Nothing else. Just her.

"Maddie? Will you be mine?" i asked after i built up enough courage to ask.

"Jase... what about your and luke's friendship? I can't ruin that." she said as she looked down at her feet.

"He'll get over it.. please Maddie. I want you.. I need you. I'll prove to you that i can treat you right.. I promise."

"If you can it prove to me then i'll say yes."

"Actually, let's make a little bet," i smirked.

"What kind of bet?"

"I bet that i can make you fall in love with me in a matter two weeks, and vice versa for you. First one to fall in love loses."




Luke just got home and me and Maddie were helping him unpack. I wasn't exactly liking how touchy Luke was with Maddie, but i had to deal with it.

After unpacking Maddie went to make dinner for us leaving me and Luke time to catch up.

Luke smirked at me before asking, "you fucked her didn't you."

I quickly shook my head, "no. What makes you think that?"

"Maybe the way you look at each other or maybe the fact that whenever you two do look at each other all you do is smile. Or maybe it's the way how you won't leave the room without either telling her or her following you. It's either you fucked or your liking her more than i expected."

"Well we didn't fuck so i'm gonna go with the second one. And for the record i don't look at her any specific way."

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