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After an uneventful day at school, other than my obvious mishap in the morning, I swiftly made my way to my locker just as the final bell rang. I fished out my phone (yes, I was one of those nerds who kept their phones in their lockers because they did not find them necessary during lessons) and scurried to the bus stop with tens of other students who pushed and shoved like wild animals just to get a seat.

As soon as I was on the bus, and standing comfortably among other people, I retrieved my phone and looked at it for the first time that afternoon. My face instantly lit up at  a certain notification on my screen.

A couple of weeks ago, I had signed up for a dating app. Yes, it seemed lame, but I was almost desperate. After breaking it off with my previous owner, for various reasons, I was yearning for the comfort of an important person in my life. I never knew my dad; mum was always at work; my sister was in college; I had no friends - I was always alone. So, when I found out about this app I knew that it would be perfect for me; it was for people with unusual kinks, just like many of mine. Although, there was one problem: I was under-age. It was for 18's and over but, from certain angles, I could pass as an adult...maybe. But the fact that I was 16 made it so much hotter, even if I had to state that I was older, on the app.

So far, I only received messages from old, gross men (and even some women, who were obviously illiterate because my profile clearly stated that I'm gay). I generally did not mind being with older guys, but my boundaries were at ten years older than me or less. Dirty texts, or any texts, from 40-year-olds made my stomach churn. But the one that I received today was different.

TheLeatherDaddy: Hey babe ;)

I bit down hard on my lip. That simple username already made me excited. I clicked on the man's profile and examined it in confusion. For some obscure reason, the app was not showing me most of his profile: it only came up with his age and location (23, Los Angeles) and left out some of the most important details like picture and name. Entering a few more random profiles, I noticed the same problem occurring and brushed it off as just a glitch which would most likely be fixed by the end of the week. It meant that I barely knew anything about TheLeatherDaddy, though...

Nervously, I returned to the message, which had been sent to me, just as the bus came to a halt on my stop. I quickly exited the vehicle, with a few other people who lived nearby, and practically ran to my large house, wanting to be as fast as possible so that I could answer the text I had gotten. Barging in, I realised that mum was at work again and I was slightly disappointed, but I knew that I could not do anything about that situation.

Thrilled, I sprinted up to my room and threw my bag down, collapsing onto my soft bed and immediately pulling my phone out in impatience. I read the message again.

TheLeatherDaddy: Hey babe ;)  

How could I possibly reply to that? I went with a simple foundation.

FistMePapi: Hello ;)

Nope. I quickly went back and deleted the entire text. It seemed way too enthusiastic, especially since I was a power bottom, and I did not want the man on the other side to think of me as being pushy. Without much thought, I got rid of the winky face.

FistMePapi: Hello  

Ugh, this was way too dull! I did not want to come across as too straightforward, but I also could not risk being seen as a shy loser because that was the opposite of what I was. I may not have been very social but, around the right people (basically my mum and, sometimes, my sister), I was very outgoing. I guessed that all it took was some warming up. However, this still did not solve my problem of being a terrible text-writer. So I changed my tactic.

FistMePapi: Hello :)

Ew, no. This version of the message probably made me seem like an awfully boring and introverted person, who did not like getting into trouble. I wanted to give the impression of being slightly edgy, but not too edgy. Was I over-analysing this?

Without another moment of hesitation, I changed the smiley face and hit 'send', so that I would not waste more time on being paranoid.

FistMePapi: Hello ;) 

As soon as I sent the message, I regretted it. Oh god, that was the worst mistake of my life! What did I do? Frantically, I scraped at my screen and attempted to find an option to delete the previous message, but there was none. Instead, a notification came up, alerting me that TheLeatherDaddy had read it.

This was it. All it took was one stupid, overly suggestive, winky face, to ruin a possible relationship. I was such a moron!  With a groan, I threw my head back. Why did I always fuck things up?

My ears perked up at the sound of my phone going off and roughly vibrating in my hand. With raised eyebrows, I brought it up to my face and unlocked it using the password, before assessing the new notification. It informed me of a message from the dating app... I frowned in confusion and opened it up.

TheLeatherDaddy: Hows it going? x

I could not help but grit my teeth at the annoying lack of an apostrophe in the word 'hows', but my little pet peeve was quickly shadowed by the little 'x' at the end. It made me squeal in excitement and bury my face in a pillow, whilst giggling like a child. I was actually chatting with someone who seemed remotely appropriate for me!

The next few texts we exchanged were mindless small talk, asking about each other's days and other useless things like that. However, my new friend finally started asking proper questions.

TheLeatherDaddy: What do you look like?

It took me a second to comprehend the question and, when I did, I started panicking. What if he had a certain type? Maybe he only liked guys with blonde hair or brown hair... I could always dye it, but he could only like males with brown eyes and that was something I could not change. Also, lying to him about my appearance would not be the smartest move so I went with the truth (using my best grammar in hopes of impressing him).

FistMePapi: I have long black hair; my eyes are a combination of blue and green and I'm 5'8. I'm quite athletic too, because I work out at least once a week. What about you?

I hit send without thinking and automatically cursed myself for forgetting to separate 'long' and 'black' with a comma. He would have probably thought I was an idiot! Also, I probably seemed like I was bragging although I did not want it to come across in that way. If he did not hate me before, he surely did now.

I assumed that he was having the same problems with the app as me if he could not see my profile picture and wanted to know what I looked like. Obviously, I had searched for an option to send an image in our chat but, for some reason, there wasn't one. And so we both had to go with the old-fashioned ways of describing appearance.

TheLeatherDaddy: I work out quite a lot. My hair is a bit long and brown. My eyes are brown too.

He seemed so interesting! I wanted to find out more about him and I sure did.

For the next few hours, Vic and I chatted about ourselves - he revealed his name when I questioned him about it but, when I asked if he wanted to know mine, he replied with 'I don't care what your name is. Youre the one whos going to be screaming mine', which made me fall off my bed. Just like the app stated, we both lived in the same area of Los Angeles and that was very convenient. But the next message caused me to choke on my milk.

TheLeatherDaddy: You. Me. At six. Tomorrow. At Chipotle.

And then he went offline.

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