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I was extremely bored.

All of the girls went out shopping together and, as it was not my thing, I stayed home. However, now, I regretted it; I would have probably had so much more fun with them. Even Danielle went off somewhere! And so I was alone in the pets' room, with nothing to do.

Vic had not come to get me, even though he obviously did not have anything to do as it was the weekend and he was home, and all I really wanted was contact and communication with another person. I did not even care if we had sex! - I just wanted to be near Vic. And so I picked myself up off my bed and exited the room, promenading into the one that belonged to my daddy.

As soon as I stepped in (without knocking), I took in the fact that he was sitting on the couch and playing some sort of video game on his PS4. I was never into that sort of thing, but I did not mind it. When Vic noticed me, he murmured something into his headset and clicked a button on it, before sliding it onto his neck and giving me a questioning look.

"What do you want?" He asked. If I did not know him better, I would have thought that he was being rude, but it was just how he acted most of the time. I had also barged into his room like I owned the place.

"I'm so bored! Everyone is gone and I have nothing to do; can I watch you play?" I widened my eyes and puckered up my lips.

"Fine," Vic agreed, before turning back to the game. I smiled and hopped over, taking a seat on the floor next to the couch. I instantly curled into myself, while leaning on his legs and looked at the screen.

He was playing one of those stupid first-person shooters, and he seemed so immersed by the game and what he was saying to his teammates.

I watched the TV intently, as Vic's character pulled a pin off of a grenade and threw it far away, where it landed with a soft thud before exploding and causing the whole room to shake with the sound. Vic cheered and yelled into the mic:

"That's right you bloody wanker! I raped you so hard, ugh I'm a fucking MLG pro."

His fist shot up in victory, as he did a little dance, which I found very cute. Vic was cold most of the time, yet little things like winning a round in a game made him so happy. It was these small details that I noticed about him, which made him appeal to me even more.

Another few minutes passed, during which Vic mainly yelled about fucking someone's mother, and I was, once again, getting bored. I needed attention from him and in more than one way. Simply being in this room brought back so many memories of how hard we would fuck, that it was making me a bit ho.rny. The knowledge of how many sex toys he kept in his draws or how, at one point, we were so into fucking that we did not realise that we were on the edge of the bed before it was too late and we both fell. It was so funny that both of us got turned off, but it was still amazing.

I had to make Vic notice me somehow, and so I started my plan by slowly moving away from him and towards the TV. He did not even realise what I was doing, with how drawn to the game he was.

"Yes, get rekt! I murked you so hard mate, with my 360 noscope skillz. You're gonna eat so much shit." There was a moment of silence, before he spoke into the mic again, "No, I'm not 12, you're 12! Now shut the fuck up, you... What a fucking hacker! I swear he's camping - I'm so going to report him to the mod later. You can't camp on this server; suck my dick, fa.ggot! Ugh, fail... No, sorry bro, I can't play Minecraft later, I'm busy. Maybe tomorrow?"

I ignored everything he said, because I knew that it would probably scar me in life, so I slowly crept over to the TV and stood before it on my hands and knees. Slowly and subtly, I lifted my butt in the air and gave it a little wiggle. This, however, did not work, as Vic was still playing, so I did the same thing with more and more enthusiasm until I was on my feet basically twerking in front of the TV. Finally, Vic sighed.

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