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I shuffled uncomfortably through the masses of people in the crowded room. I was not uncomfortable because I was nervous or something - pshh, that's for pussies. It was just that the butt plug  was difficult to walk with and was constantly moving around. On the outside it looked like a cute little tail; on the inside it was making me feel amazing things and I had to move around the area with a hard dìck. I think this only added to Vic's amusement, especially when people noticed it and gave me either strange or lustful looks.

It was clear that he wanted to push some of my boundaries and even humiliate me in front of these people. He sure was doing a good job, especially with spanking my ass every once in a while, only making the plug push in deeper. After some time I got used to the feeling and my boner dropped slightly, but I was still at least semi-hard.

The best way to describe the room would be 'controlled chaos'. The place in itself was posh, with floral designs painted onto the creamy walls and a huge crystal chandelier being sentenced to death from the carved ceiling. Long tables full of food  leaned against the walls. And it wasn't some normal food, nuh uh, I mean the good stuff: caviar, ravioli, mILK.

Now that was the 'controlled' part. The 'chaos' was so much more interesting.

Upon first glance, this was almost like a royal ballroom. Well, until you notice the built-in poles with girls sensually dancing on them; the fact that half of the people here were barely covered, while the other half was dressed smartly (I also had not noticed any other boys in women's lingerie, they simply opted out for boxers, or even less...); and the obvious power difference between the two halves.

This was absolutely wild.

While we ventured across the room, Vic held my leash close, having it wrapped around his wrist as well as holding onto it, meaning that I could get no further than half a meter away from him. The constant tugging at my neck was quite annoying but, what can I say, I got what I signed up for.

Before we even got to reach the other side of the room (hopefully in order to get food) Vic was stopped by someone apparently familiar to him. The man was tall and slim, dressed in all black and had spiky hair. He looked young and, just like me, was wearing excessive amounts of eyeliner. God damn, he was attractive.

I politely stood behind Vic with my head slightly lowered. I had not been given any extremely specific instructions on how to act, so I had to take it into my own hands to make my master proud of me. He would probably want everyone to see me as a very submissive, well-trained pet, so that was exactly what I wanted to show. I also stood leaning forward slightly, with my butt pushed out - what? I have a great booty, I want to show it off.

It was quite loud and I could tell that Vic and the man were not pleased with having to shout to hear each other, so they moved further towards the side of the room with me being obediently dragged behind them. Finally, I was able to make out what they were saying.

It seemed like they had been old friends from the way they spoke. The man was named Remington, but preferred to be referred to as Remi. Vic, however, gave absolutely no shits and used his full name just to irritate him.

Finally, after a few moments, Reminton's gaze landed on me. He eyed me up and down, just like Vic had done before we entered, and with the same hunger. Next, his eyes lingered on the leash which I was attached to.

"You brought a male slave?" The man asked in confusion, "Where's that red-head you always come with?"

"Shit happened, she's not my slave anymore," Vic replied briefly, not wanting to get into the topic of what happened between him and Danielle.

"I never knew you were into guys, I only ever saw you with girls," Remington pointed out.

"Well, I'm into this guy," Vic replied, glancing back at me as if to check if I heard. And I did. It made me smile to myself every time he mentioned the fact that I was the only male he liked. I didn't care that it was probably because I was quite feminine in the first place, but the fact that I could make Vic like me even without a huge pair of boobs or curvy body was an achievement to me. Maybe I finally found something I was very good at: making straight men question their sexualities!

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