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I grumpily shoved the door open, alerting all of the five remaining girls to my presence, and collapsed on the couch which stood against the far wall. I was so annoyed with both Vic and Danielle. This was the second time he invited me over to his house, then blew me off like I was nothing just so that he could do something more 'fun'.

The girls all approached me with apologetic expressions and sat on the space of the couch that was not occupied by my body.

"Danielle?" Asked the pony girl, Lynn, knowingly.

"Yep," I muttered and rolled my eyes. "Is she always like this?"

A chorus of groans echoed through the entire room. This time, Amy replied, "Yes. She was never like this before but, since she realised that she's Vic's favourite, she has become so full of herself and started to act like a total two-faced bitch. Ugh, I hate her so much!"

"She seemed really nice, when I first met her," I mumbled, staring up at the ceiling. I felt the soft hands of Maria comfortingly stroking my dark hair, and I let myself melt into the touch, welcoming it as a way to relieve my current stress.

"That's how it always is. She acts really nice and lovely at first but, in reality, she just wants Vic to herself and will do anything to stop him from liking you," Taylor complained. "It's gotten to the point where he doesn't even use Amy or Maria anymore, even though each of his pets was supposed to be treated with care and equality. That red-headed whore is manipulating him!"

I was shocked by the drama which went on between the pets and how vulgar they actually were. It seemed to be that everyone was against Danielle - and for a good reason too.

Empathy for Amy and Maria started to build inside of me. They deserved Vic's attention as much as anyone else. But maybe Danielle had him wrapped around her finger to the point that he was not realising what he was doing and how he was neglecting the other girls. I could not even imagine how they felt; abandoned by their master. It must have been heartbreaking and I was starting to feel it too, however, so far, it had only been minor annoyance, but I was sure that it would expand into actual hurt if he kept on acting like this.

"So, what do we do about it?" I pondered, hopeful that maybe they had some sort of plan as to what we could do about the unpleasant situation.

"Nothing," sighed Amy. "We can't force Vic to do anything he doesn't want to and accusing Danielle of something is too risky. She will just run to him and complain about us, until he kicks us out, because he would never go against her."

"Wow," I breathed. "This really sucks."

From our short conversation, I was quick to establish the roles of the females. Taylor and Amy were like the main talkers because they were obviously the most straightforward. Maria and Lynn seemed quite confident too, but I could tell that they preferred to stay quiet and only join into the conversations when necessary. Melanie, however, was clearly very shy. She talked openly to me yesterday, but that was only because Vic instructed her to do so. Otherwise, she preferred to stay on the side and mind her own business silently.

I wondered what it would take for Vic to notice any of them again. Obviously, he still used Taylor, Lynn and Melanie, but not as frequently as he should.

For the next half an hour I stayed in the room, chatting with the other girls. They seemed lovely; slightly eccentric, but lovely. I was quick to befriend them, as all of them were very likable. Also, I was clearly not the most masculine of males, so we had a lot in common. We ended up gossipping about hot celebrity guys and we all came to an agreement that Jensen Ackles had the best jawline in the world.

But the fun mood was killed upon the opening of the door. A confident and satisfied-looking Danielle swaggered in like she owned the place. The girl flashed us all a sickeningly sweet smile, as well as giving us an overly-joyous wave of her hand, before sitting down on a different couch and turning on the TV like we did not exist. She did not even bother changing! I guessed that she gave up on pretending to be nice to me, because this surely was not an act of kindness on her part. That two-faced bitch...

 It was probably not a good time, but I decided to find Vic and finally talk to him. There were still some things we had to establish and I wanted to find out more about him, so that I could finally actually have some trust in him.

With a half-smile and a small 'goodbye' to the girls, I exited the room quietly. But I quickly found out how stupid I was, when I realised I had no idea where to go. However I headed off in the direction I came from when I left Vic with Danielle. I found the hallway we were walking through before, and carried on down it to what I assumed would be the play rooms. And I was correct.

Six doors stood on each side of the corridor, making twelve in total, and each had a label next to it. I ignored that for now though, and headed towards the door that was slightly open.

I pushed it open lightly and, much to my eyes' pleasure, inside was Vic. He was sitting up on the large bed which stood in the middle of the room, with no shirt on. The only thing covering him was a pair of boxers and his hair was messy, but in the sexy way. I probably would have gotten turned on at the sight, if not for the fact that this was caused by the Evil Bitch Queen herself and she got to fuck him, when I didn't.

Letting my presence be known, I knocked on the door although it was already open. Vic's head snapped in my direction and his face became blank when he saw me.

"Hi," I said sharply, failing to hide the irritation in my voice.

"Uh, hey," he replied awkwardly, scratching at the back of his neck. I noticed that his cheeks had flushed a baby pink, as if he was embarrassed. Did he not want me to see him in as little clothes as this.

"Can we talk?" I got straight to the point.

"Yeah, sure. Just give me a minute to get some clothes on." And, with that, I knew that my suspicions were right. Releasing an annoyed sigh, I closed the door and stepped further into the hallway, leaning against the wall.

I could not believe him! How were we suppose to maintain a sexual relationship if he was too scared to even comfortably show himself to me? I hoped that this was only a temporary thing, because it would cause so many problems with us. Personally I did not mind him seeing my body, as I was confident in myself and liked the way I looked.

After what felt like forever, Vic exited the room. To my unfortunate displeasure, he was wearing clothes again, covering that graceful body of his. His face was questioning towards me, urging me to ask whatever I mentioned before.

"Are you okay? You're acting a bit strange towards me." I wanted to be subtle with my words this time. I did not want to come off as nosy or annoying.

"Yep, I'm completely fine," he assured but I certainly was not buying it. Saying anything more on the topic could cause bad things though, so I let it go.

"Are we going to carry on with the tour? We also need to go over some things," I reminded him.

"Sure," he agreed. "By the way, I'm sorry for earlier. I just didn't expect Dani to appear like that, out of nowhere."

I huffed and rolled my eyes at his cheap excuse, but did my best to conceal my emotions. I still wanted to know more about him.

"So," I smiled bright, "tell me about yourself."

And that was how the rest of my day went. With Vic and I chatting and discussing things, as well as him showing me around the house. I had done my homework the evening before so I assumed that, when I returned to the pets' room, everything would be boring, but these girls were just full of surprises.

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