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"Are you sure you want to wear that?" Vic questioned, eyeing me up and down, unsurely, yet wth a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Of course!" I replied, slipping on the mask which he provided me with.

We were in the process of getting ready for the S&M party. Vic decided to dress smart: he went for black dress pants, which were slightly tighter around the thigh area, along with a white button up shirt. He folded the sleeves over, so that they would only go up to his elbows and would not get in the way of whatever we would be doing. I, however, went for something completely different.

I got the girls to help me pick out an appropriate outfit and I knew what I wanted right from the start. White had always been my colour and today was no exception to me wearing it. We decided on something...provocative. The only clothes on my body were a pair of white women's panties, with lace on the sides and back, as well as light thigh-high stockings with bows at the top. Vic also provided me with a lace mask which covered the area around my eyes, then extended up into these cute bunny ears. Melanie took care of my hair by washing and conditioning it, as well as styling it nicely. In addition Taylor went out of her way to apply makeup to my face and I ended up with mascara, subtle contouring and not-so-subtle eyeliner.

I always knew that boys in lingerie and makeup were sexy but damn I was smokin' hot!

Although Vic was trying to act extra protective and mature, I could tell how much the outfit turned him on. This was a party where owners were supposed to show off their slaves though and I was more than ready.

I could tell that Vic was full of anxiety. This was the first time he would be attending an S&M party with a male slave. He was probably worried about what others would think of him, as he was always viewed as this strictly straight guy, who barely even looked at other men unless he had to. I was certain that many questions would be coming his way, but Vic was strong. He could deal with it. I doubted that there would be much judgement, because I knew for a fact that it was a very open event and couples of all sexualities would be present, but people would definitely be curious and annoyingly nosy.

Before we left, the girls touched up my makeup once more, and I ended up yelling at Amy for poking me in the eye, before Vic and I exited. We took one of his many sports cars (I honestly had no idea why he had so many), which was black meaning that it matched our monotone aesthetic.

The drive was painfully long, but Vic insisted that we took the car for an unknown fuckinng reason. Throughout the entire ride, we both danced to about half of an ABBA album and sang along to stupid pop songs which played on the radio (during that time Vic nearly drove us into a tree because he let go of the steering wheel to do the macarena).

When we finally arrived, Vic parked on the street outside, which was already filled with tens of different cars, all obviously attending the same event. Our vehicle was trashed, as I accidentally spilled an entire coke bottle onto the backseat (serenade) and Vic's shirt was covered in dorito dust. Luckily we were able to get his shirt back to looking normal, before we made our way out of the car.

Before we could enter the front door of the victorian style mansion, Vic grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side. He shoved me closer towards himself, so that I could feel his breath on my lips, and I stared forward into his eyes. He, however, was not meeting my gaze and his sight was focused on my neck where, I just realised, he was securing a collar. I only really paid attention to it, when he tightened the damn thing too much and it began to choke me.

I smacked his hands and placed my own over the collar, fiddling with it.

"Let me do it," Vic insisted, moving back towards and and swatting my hands away.

"No, fuck you!" I argued, although it came out very breathy due to the lack of oxygen which was entering my lungs.

"Stop being so difficult," Vic whined, once again placing his fingers on the back of the collar and unclipping it. This time, I let him.

"Stop being such a whiney, controlling, little bitch," I hissed.

"I own you, I'm supposed to be controlling," he said like it was obvious.

I tried to think of something witty to say in return, but couldn't so I simply muttered, "Good point," and let him mess with my collar. When he was finally done, and not fucking choking me to death, Vic clipped on a leash to the collar and held it tight. I gave him a questioning look, wondering what it was for.

"There are a lot of people who might want you there and I just don't want to lose you," he answered my queries quietly with a small smile. My cheeks redddened at the thought of him caring about me. Vic could be so sweet.

I assumed that we were ready to go, but I found myself getting pulled further into the bushes by Vic. My confusion only grew when, as soon as we were out of sight, he ordered me to slide down the panties. I looked at him like he was crazy. There was no way that I would go in there with my di.ck hanging between my legs. I was quick to find out that this was not Vic's plan though.

When he panties were off he snatched them away from me and, before my very eyes, he began to tear a hole in the laced back. I wanted to yell at him and demand to know what he was doing but, just as I was about to, he returned the panties to me.

"Put them on," he ordered. I clenched my jaw and did as he told me to, sliding the panties back on. The only problem was that there was a huge hole right on my fucking asshole. If Vic expected me to show up like this, then he had another thing coming. However, yet again, he managed to surprise me my pulling something out of the small bag which he brought with him. I gazed at the hairy thing thoughtfully, before realising what it was.

A glass butt plug with a large ball of fluff at the end, resembling a rabbit tail. I squealed in excitement at the sight of it. It must have been a customised sex toy, because those were not very common. I wondered why I could not have just put it in earlier, but came to the conclusion that the ride here would have been even more uncomfortable.

Vic spun me around and pressed his body against mine, before slowly pushig the butt plug in through the little hole he made. I moaned softly at the feeling of the smooth glass inside of me. This was so naughty and I loved it!

I was certain that Taylor would be pissed about us ruining her underwear, but she was not one to hold grudges.

"You look so hot," Vic growled into my ear, eyeing me up and down once again, like he was a lion and I was a piece of meat. I bit myy bottom lip; I loved when he looked at me like that.

"Anyway, let's go!" He exclaimed, leading the way inside through a grand front door. When we entered, I saw nothing of what I expected from this place. I assumed that the whole house would be like Vic's playrooms but, instead, it was more of a gothic, prestigious interior. Everything looked like a valuable antique.

A man greeted us, giving us directions to where the main party was happening. I felt confident, hoping to make Vic proud of me. It was now or never.

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