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"What are you doing in my house?" Vic asked confusedly yet angrily. Only then did I realise how much explaining I had to do, in order for him to understand. Also, I noticed that Danielle was standing directly behind him, her eyes wide as ever, while still glaring at me. If looks could kill, I would be drowning in acid right now.

"I feel like the question we should be asking is 'what is she doing in your house?'," I replied, accusingly pointing to the girl behind Vic. Her gaze only hardened, if that was even possible, and I noticed all of the girls sticking their nosy heads out of a doorway in order to see what was going on. I did not blame them though; everyone likes a bit of drama, right?

"What are you talking about?"

"You heard me," I raised my eyebrows defiantly, "she's faking her pregnancy and I have proof!"

"She can't be faking it," Vic and I acted as if Danielle was not even in the room, which made me quite proud of myself, as that was all I wanted her to be: a meaningless object. And, as harsh as it may sound, she truly deserved that. "Dani has morning sickness and her stomach is growing."

"She's about three and a half weeks pregnant; morning sickness usually starts at six," I pointed out, thanking myself for actually doing research for once. What can I say - I go to extremes when I'm determined. "And the only reason her stomach is growing is because the bitch is eating too many donuts, not because she's preggo. Then again, if I was a girl, I'd just pretend that I'm pregnant so that I have an excuse for eating twice as much as I usually do and getting fat..." I trailed off thoughtfully.

"Kellin, this is not a joke, what the fuck are you doing here?" Vic questioned sternly.

"I'm here to prove to you that Danielle is a liar and I didn't do anything to her."

"W-what about the morning sickness?" He stumbled over his words, not so sure of himself anymore.

"Are you certain it's morning sickness? Maybe now Dani is trying a bit too hard to lose that donut weight."

"I'm not bulimic!" Danielle argued.

"Well you should be," I shot back. (A/N too far? XD)

As a loud, chorused gasp lingered in the air, I sniggered. Dani looked like she was about to pounce on me. I honestly hoped that she would try to hurt me, because it would only prove that she is lying. An innocent person would not get this worked up over someone accusing them of something they did not do. Danielle, however, seemed like she was about to burst into flames.

"Wait, hold up," Vic silenced, turning his full attention back to me, "you mentioned something about a negative test and piss fishing. What's that all about?"

Without a word, I handed over the still damp pregnancy test, which I held with the tips of my fingers. Vic obviously was not very educated on how a pregnancy test was taken, so he rested it in full, flat hands; passed it around in his fingers; sniffed it a bit too.

"Basically, I hid in the bathroom for a while and, gurl, I witnessed some messed up shit. Dani came in to take a piss but we all know she's a fùcking pig and never flushes, so I fished some out, used it on the pregnancy test and - bam! - we have results," I explained briefly.

"Okay, and what does one line mean?" Vic wondered.

"Negative," the nice girls and I replied in unison.

"But the other test she took showed positive," he pointed out.

"Actually," Taylor butted in, stepping further into the room in order to get everyone's attention, "it was pretty easy to get into Danielle's email account, as her password is 'iwanttofingervicsbutthole' and I found an interesting email from Ebay, confirming her purchase of a fake positive pregnancy test. If you ask me, it was a total rip off."

Vic did not seem convinced, "Proof or didn't happen."

Taylor flipped out her phone, and made it face towards him, as Vic gazed at it in confusion.

"Um, why is furry porn playing?" He raised one of his caterpillar eyebrows.

"Oops, wrong page!" Taylor exclaimed, snatching her phone away and now obviously opening up the correct site.

She, once again, showed it to Vic. Danielle could do nothing but watch in horror as she was unmasked and all of her secrets were spilling out in front of our eyes. She probably felt helpless as a baby, but she deserved it. By the look on Vic's face, I could tell that he was thinking less of Dani by the minute. We were finally making him realise how awful of a person she was.

"That's not all," I carried on, wanting to add fuel to the fire, which was burning Danielle to the ground, "the week, during which she claims to have become pregnant, Danielle was barely in the house. I did a bit of investigating, myself, and it turns out that this slut had spent that time with Kevin. Yes, Kevin: your best friend and my ex! And guess what he told me? She has slept around with so many people she probably doesn't even remember how many."

"Yes, I do, you dumb cùnt. It's 47!" The redhead exclaimed accusingly but, if anything, she was only digging herself a deeper grave.

"God damn it," muttered Lynn, passing $10 to Amy.

I clearly recalled them betting on how many people Dani had slept with. Lynn voted 40; Amy voted 50, meaning that she was closer.

"So you're admitting to it?" Vic whispered. He sounded...hurt. Maybe this girl meant more to him than he let on. But we all knew that he would be better off without her. She was an awful influence and manipulated him into making stupid decisions, which were only convenient for her. What a selfish person.

The incident with me apparently trying to hurt Danielle was not discussed, because we simply did not need to. All evidence was pointing towards her being a fake bitch so, as dense as Vic can sometimes be, he probably figured that she lied about that too.

Danielle knew that she already gave herself away, so all she could do was sigh in defeat. Her arms dropped to her sides loosely. We all knew exactly what this meant: she had to leave now. All of our eyes told her this and there would be no arguing.

"Fine," she gave in, with a cold glare. Her words were aimed towards Vic, "I don't need a faggòt like you anyway."

My jaw dropped to the floor and, without a moment of hesitation, I was trying to throw myself onto her, in order to cause as much damage as possible. No one was allowed to insult my Vic, especially with that horrific word. Unfortunately, before I could get to Dani, Maria, Melanie and Lynn were all holding me back by my arms and torso.

"Let me at her!" I yelled loudly and fiercely, attempting to fight against my human restraints, "I want to fuck her up so bad she will be shitting out of her nose!"

I struggled, but to no avail. However, soon I realised that the fact that Danielle called Vic a faggòt did not matter. What mattered was that Vic, who was having his first ever experience in a gay 'relationship', was suddenly attacked with closed-minded homophobia. He looked torn and all I wanted to do was embrace him.

Amy ushered the unwanted Danielle out of the house (which was good, because I would have beaten her up). The girl was reluctant to leave, or rather more reluctant to be defeated, but it was over. We exposed how much of a shitty person she was and Vic finally understood.

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