Chapter 30

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Jeremy pulled Chase in his arms as he looked up at the familiar mansion he grew up in. Before he could ring the doorbell, it was swung open by Carly.

"Aw, what a cute baby! Can I hold him?"

"No." Jeremy pushed passed her and walked into the house to see his father sitting on the large sofa.

"Where's Taylor?" Gregory asked.

"She was asleep, so I left her to rest."

"Jeremy you're mean. Why can't I hold my nephew?" Carly asked, walking and sitting next to her father.

"Who said you were his aunt?" Jeremy asked.

"Well, clearly, since I'm your sister."

"Well you're not."

"But-" Carly start.

"End of discussion." Jeremy interrupted her. "Now where's mother? I'm just going to glance at her and leave."

Jeremy ignored her frantic call for their father, and waited for them to tell him where his mother was. "Papa!"

"It's okay Carly. When you have kids, just tell Jeremy he can't be the uncle." Gregory said to Carly, then he looked to Jeremy. "Upstairs, in her office."

Jeremy began walking up the grand stairs talking to himself. "Why does she even have an office? She doesn't do shit."

Walking towards her office, he heard his brothers in the game room. Immediately, he knew that was place to avoid. He stopped in front of her door and gave it a knock.

"Come in." He heard her say and opened the door. The office had glass walls that let the sunlight in beautifully with a matching glass desk. Stain free white chairs and bright colorful paintings.

"What a pleasant surprise to see my lovely son. I haven't seen you for some time now."

"Yes, mother, now I can't stay long, so let's make this quick."

"Jeremy, that is not how you speak to your mother." Jeremy rolled his eyes at the sound of his father's voice.

"Gregory, we're in a conversation right now." Jeremy snapped back. Gregory walked in and took a seat in one of the soft chairs. "I really don't have the time to be staying here."

Since the whole family is here, why don't we go out to eat? Italian restaurants only, of course." Jeremy's mother said.

"I don't have time fo-"

"Evanly, of course." Gregory interrupted Jeremy.

Evanly smiled brightly at her husband and looked at the annoyed face of her youngest son. "Oh, Jeremy, don't worry it won't take long."

"Yes it will. The only Italian restaurant, that you like, is all the way across town. And that restaurant takes forever to just take your order. Do you know how long it takes to just get everyone in the car to leave." Jeremy began to walk to the door. "I'm sorry, but all I wanted to do was see your faces and leave."

"You haven't seen our faces yet." Jeremy heard when he opened the door. His brothers. Kevin was smilly evily at Jeremy, while David had a straight face.

Jeremy groaned and pushed passed them. "I wish I didn't."

He heard then following him down the stairs, including his parents. "Aw, C'mon baby bro. Let's go out. It's been a long time since we've seen you. We've missed you."

"Well I haven't missed you." Jeremy said back to Kevin.

"There he goes with that temper again. I told you guys he always starts it with us." David said, talking to his parents.

Carly walked over to then frustrated. "Can we leave now?"

"Yes, everyone to the car." Gregory said.

"Gregory, I seriously cannot go. I don't have anything for Chase. I literally just brought him with me. No diapers. No food. Nothing." Jeremy said to his father. Part of him really just wanted to get back to Taylor and snuggle up with her.

"Then go home and get his things and come back. I'll wait."

"Once I get home, I'm staying home." Jeremy said truthfully.

Gregory smiled. "Fine, then we'll just stop by a store to get him some things."

Jeremy groaned and walked to his car to get the car seat. "You're going in to get them."

Jeremy walked over to the limo and opened the door. He buckled in Chase's car seat and placed him in. He hopped in the seat next to him and waited paiently for everyone.

Carly sat next to Jeremy texting away on her phone. "I hate riding in this damn limo. This one is so small and there's no room. We need to get a bigger one."

"Scoot over, Carly, damn. You don't need to be all on me." Jeremy said to her.

"Well, maybe, if your big ass would stop growing, then we wouldn't be squished."

"Oh you're dumb as fuck. You can't stop yourself from growing. If you would have passed preschool then you'd probably know that."

Carly hit his arm. "I did pass!"

"Don't hit me, because you can't use your words." Jeremy snapped.

"Can you two shut up?" David said sitting across from them. "You would think the two babies of the family would get along."

"You shut up, Dav." Carly shot back.

"Its time to go." Kevin said, opening the door.

"Wait, where's Papa?" Carly asked.

"In the other car." Kevin said.

"What? Hell no." Carly opened the door stepping out. "No way in hell I'm riding with you musty, overgrown men!"

"Fuck you." They all said in unison.


Jeremy placed a sleeping Chase in his crib. After a long day with his family, he finally got to go home. When he got there Taylor wasn't on the sofa anymore. Thinking she was in the bedroom, he walked towards it, opening the door.

"Taylor!" He called out.

"I'm in the bathroom!" Taylor yelled back.

Jeremy smiled when he seen how pretty she looked. She had just got out the shower and was twisting her hair. She was wearing one of his shirts again.

"Tomorrow we can go get you and Chase some new clothes and anything else you need."

"That sounds good, but Jeremy we need to talk." Taylor said, looking up at him. "You can't just leave like that and take Chase with you. When I woke up I was so worried."

"I'm sorry, Taylor." Jeremy said. "I promise it won't happen again."

"I trust you, Jeremy. I know you'd never do anything to hurt me."

"Of course."


"Get your cold legs off of me, Jeremy." Taylor said sleepy. She kick his legs off of her and snuggled back into the pillow.

"But your legs are so warm." Jeremy said pulling her back against him.

"Jeremy," Taylor whined. "I'm trying to sleep."

"Then go to sleep." Jeremy leaned down and kissed her forehead, then her check, her jaw and ended at her neck.

Jeremy laughed when Taylor pushed away from him. "Aw, c'mon Taylor. It's not like I haven't done that before."

"It's 3 o'clock in the morning."

"Yes and I'm bored." Jeremy said, pulling Taylor back to him and wrapping his arms around her tightly.

"Jeremy, you're gonna suffocate me." Taylor said trying to push him off of her. "Let go."

"Baby, let's have some fun."

Jeremy...soooo naughty!!!

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