Chapter 1

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I walk around my room on Sunday afternoon listening to Fall Out Boy and doing my homework. My older brother Clint was in my room rocking out with me to Fall Out Boy . We both generally like the same bands . I am one year younger than Clint and we both go to the same high school . I am fairly popular and I have fans in the band community.

I'm not a nerd I just get good grades. I like listening to music, dancing, and singing.

" Hey. Brooke have I ever told you how awesome Fall Out Boy is?" Clint asks

" Only about one thousand times." I joke

We continue to joke around until my mom calls me downstairs.

" Yea Mom?" I ask

" We are getting new neighbors today next door and I made brownies . I want you to take them to our new neighbors. I believe they have a son your age." My mom says

" Mom please no. I don't feel like it right now ." I say

" You don't really have a choice." My mom says

" Fine ." I say

I better go tell Clint.

I go upstairs to my room.

" Hey Clint we are getting new neighbors. Mom assigned me to brownie duty. I'll be back in a little bit." I say

I run fast downstairs , grab the brownies from my mom, and head outside. I take my time because it's not like I have anywhere else to be.

I can see the moving vans in front of the house. That house had been empty for two years and just now we are getting new neighbors.

I walk up to the door and knock on it. I was slightly nervous. Their son is probably going to join the football team. Be a star athlete too.

Suddenly the door is opened and there in front of me was a boy around my age. Aw the son. He was emo mess to perfection. He looks really cool.

" Are you done staring at me?" He says

Wow good feelings gone.

" Yea who stuck a stick up your ass today." I ask

" No one. And in case you haven't noticed I just moved so I'm not the happiest person right now ." He says

" Wow it's so nice to meet you ...." I say

" Frank." Frank says

" I'm Brooke. " I say

" What are you doing here?" Frank asks

" I live next door. My mom forced me to bring brownies." I say

" Oh did she now well we don't want your brownies. So goodbye." Frank says

" Just take them." I say

" You can't tell me what to do." Frank says

" Frank!" Someone calls and a woman appears

" Hello there." She says

" Hi I'm Brooke I live next door. I was just stopping by to drop off some brownies my mom made." I say

" Oh thank you." She says while taking the plate and leaves

I make a face at Frank and he flips me off while smirking

" Asshole." I say and I storm down the sidewalk to my house.

When I get inside I am filled with anger at Frank.

" So did you meet the new neighbors. What is their son like?" My mom asks

" He's an asshat." I say while storming up the stairs

" Brooke!" My mom yells but I am already in my room

I look in my bedroom window and I see that asshole Frank setting his room up. The empty room I have looked at for two years. Shades closed from now on.

That ass can see into my room now . Great.

He sees me staring at him at glares. Wow isn't he mister sunshine. Geez what is his problem.

I flip him off and continue to listen to Fall Out Boy .

A few minutes later a rock hits my window. Thankfully it doesn't break.

I go to the window and Frank is there. His window is open and I guess he wants me to do the same . Reluctantly I do so.

" What do you want Frank?" I ask

" I'm sorry for earlier." Frank says

" For being a jerk or for flipping me off or both." I say

" I just haven't had the best couple of days with the move and all." Frank says

" I accept your apology. It still makes you an asshat though ." I say while closing my window and drawing the curtains .

I sit down on my bed listening to Panic! At the Disco now and stare at the ceiling.

This Frank has got an attitude if he's like this at home I wonder what he is like at school. I shudder at the thought since Clint's high school and mine is the closest one we'll be going to the same school.

Ugh and tomorrow is a school day. Shit.

Suddenly there is a knock on my door.

" Come in." I say

In walks Clint.

" How'd it go?" Clint asks

" It was uh... Very interesting." I say

" Ok we'll talk to you later." Clint says and he walks back to his room.

I decide to go and jump inside the trampoline. I go outside and there it stands my beloved trampoline. Sure sounds kiddish for a sixteen year old but I need something to keep my mind off that asshat Frank.

I pull the zipper up and climb inside.

I start jumping and do a jump with both my legs spread apart like the cheerleaders.

Suddenly I hear guitar playing and I see Frank in his backyard porch playing the guitar. Damn he is good then I get an idea. I jump down to the floor and I bounce a little.

I then take out my phone and text one of my friends Ray Toro.

Me: Hey Ray doesn't your band at school need another guitar player?

Ray: yea why?

Me: I think I might've found someone. He just moved next door to me

Ray: ok I'll ask him at school tomorrow

Me: ok bye Ray

Ray was a good friend of mine. We weren't especially close but his band at school was good. It consisted of him, Gerard Way another one of my good friends who I'm not close with , Gerard's brother Mikey , and Matt another one of their friends.

I continue to jump until I'm called in for dinner. I then watch tv until I fall asleep . Ugh school should be interesting tomorrow.

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