Chapter 4

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I wake up the next day to rain. Great.

I take a shower and get dressed. I wear tights, a skirt, a red tie ( don't judge) , black boots, a white polo shirt, and a royal blue cardigan.

I can be preppy when I want to be . So no judging alright. Okay good. I go down stairs and I see Clint already making food.

" Hey Clint." I say

" Hey Brooke how was practice yesterday?" Clint asks

" It was great as usual." I say

" That's good. How are the guys?" Clint asks

" Awesome as usual." I say

" Delightful." Clint says

We start to eat our food and when we are done we head upstairs and brush our teeth.

Then we start to walk to school. I look back and I see Frank walking by himself with a guitar case in his hand.

That must be his guitar ( Obviously ). I know he is going to rock at practice today. What?! I'm not always mean when I talk about him.

We continue our walk to school and when we get there I am greeted by Tessa and the guys.

" Hey guys." I say

" Hey Brooke." Tessa says

" Ok so Frank brought his guitar today so Ray he won't have to use yours." I say

" Ok. This is going to be awesome." Ray says

" I know. I can't wait for the world to see you guys play." I say

" Me either." Gerard says

" I'm so happy for you guys." I say

" Me too." Mikey says

" I'll be the first in line for a meet and greet." Tessa says

We all laugh at our silliness. Then Frank shows up.

" Hey Frank." Gerard says

" Hi." Frank says his voice monotone

" Are you ok?" Gerard asks

" I'm fine! Why does everyone keep asking that?" Frank says

He runs into the school. While we all just look puzzled.

" Let me go talk to him." I say

I run inside and I look everywhere but I don't see him. When I go outside there he is under the bleachers staring at the field.

" Hey." I say

He just looks at me then continues staring at the field.

" It's a very interesting field isn't it?" I ask

He cracks a short smile and turns to look at me.

" No one understands how hard it is. Going to a new school. Making new friends. It's all too hard." Frank says

I reach out and touch his arm.

" Hey it's ok. I understand." I say

His back starts to move up and down. He's crying.

" Don't cry it's alright." I say

" Don't tell anyone I was crying. That's the last thing I need." Frank says

" I won't say a word." I say

We head back inside and sit down at our first class. In our respective seats of course.

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