Chapter 2

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I wake up early Monday morning and I take a shower. Then I get ready for school. I wear a gray beanie over my sandy blond hair , a red and blue plaid button up, black leggings, and black boots.

When I'm finished I go downstairs and I'm surprised to see Clint already there.

" I woke up earlier than you." Clint says

" And you made me breakfast. Thanks Clint." I say

When we are done we head upstairs , brush our teeth, and start walking to school. It doesn't take us very long to get to school since we live close by.

When I get there i am surrounded by my friends. But I'm looking for only one face my closest friend Tessa.

" Hey Tess." I say

" Hey Brooke how was your weekend?" Tessa asks

" It was fine but I got a new next door neighbor. A couple and their son who is our age." I say

" Oo what is he like?" Tessa asks

" he's an asshat." I say

" Ok then." Tessa says we walk inside followed by our other friends.

We get to our first period which is science and we are relearning the skeletal system so it was pretty easy.

I go to my lab table and sit down. Tessa goes to hers. We have different lab partners. Ray is my partner and Tessa has Glory another one of our friends.

" Hey sunRay!" I yell

" Hey Brooklyn Bridge." Ray says as he sits down

" So about your guitar friend we are thinking maybe he could see us play then we could give him a tryout." Ray says

" First of all he's not my friend. Second of all that's great. Thanks Ray." I say

" You're welcome." Ray says

The we he is speaking of is his band members. Since I'm a band lover they let me watch practice which is how I became close friends with them all.

Soon the leader singer himself Gerard Way is walking in with his little brother Mikey.

" Hey Brooke." Gerard says

" Hey Gee." I say using his nickname

" You know I hate being called that." Gerard says as he sits in front of me.

Ironically Mikey  and Gerard are lab partners.

" Hey Mikey." I say

" Hey Brooke." Mickey says

Mikey has dark hair and wears glasses. Gerard has long black hair and has hazel eyes. Ray has an Afro of hair.

Then our teacher walks in... With Frank.

" Hello kids. Today we have a new student. Everyone this is Frank Iero." Our teacher says

We all say hi Frank in monotone voices.

" Ok so Frank I'm going to put you across from Brooke. Ok?" My teacher says

Frank mumbles something and walks to his seat.

I turn to look at him but he just gives me a glare.

" that him?" Ray asks

" Yea." I say

" He looks delightful." Ray says

" I know." I say

We continue with our work. Ray and I also work with Gerard and Mikey.

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