Chapter 12

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The next few days were the worst but then the weekend graced me with its presence yet again.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled into the kitchen. My parents were laughing and talking.

Wow when was the last time that happened.


It felt like we were a normal family again. Well almost normal. It you count an awesome cool mom , a used to be abusive dad, a sport enthusiastic brother, and a band loving girl normal.

But at least I would be going over to Ray's house with the guys and then probably out into the city. At least it gave me an excuse to get out of the house.

I don't think I could stand another day in my house with my parents. Well at least not my mom anyway .

" Hi honey. What are you going to be doing today?" My mom asks

" Going over to Ray's to hang out with the guys." I say

" Oh well have fun." My mom says

" I always do." I say

Soon a plate food is being handed to me by my dad. I take it gratefully and start eating.

The faster I get done the sooner I can leave the house. And the faster I can relax and have fun.

When I'm done I jump up from my chair and brush my teeth. Then I grab my phone and money and rush out the door.

When I get to Ray's Gerard and Mikey were already there. We just had to wait for Frank and Matt.

" Hey Brooke." Ray says

"Hi Ray." I say

" How are things at home?" Ray asks

" Awkward but fine I guess." I say

I step inside the all too familiar house. We rush up the stairs to his room where Mikey and Gerard were sitting down.

" Hey Brooke." Mikey says

"Hi Mikey ." I say

I sit down next to him and across from Gerard. It felt good to be with my friends again. Beats being at home.

A place didn't want to ever go back to. To awkward for me. But my parents were normal around each other.

But it was awkward for me and Clint. Seeing our parents all buddy buddy after so many years.

It was so unnatural. So wrong.

It's like my life is spinning out of proportion. And I can't do anything to stop it.

Soon Frank and Matt arrive and we are deciding who goes with who. I was going in Ray's car with him and Frank.

Gerard , Mikey, and Matt were all going in Gerard's car.

We drove into the city and it was beautiful. Way different from my neighborhood that's for sure.

I'm thankful at least not having to spend the day with my family that's for sure. It would be too awkward.

" So how's your family been?" Ray asks

" Awkward as hell." I say

" It'll get better." Frank says

" How do you know that?" I ask

" I just know things okay." Frank says

" Whatever you say Frank." I say

He smiles in success and I just roll my eyes. He has no idea how awkward it is.

But then again maybe he does he is the new kid after all. I've never been the new kid but I can imagine that it can be awkward.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2016 ⏰

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