Chapter 9

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" So where are we going first?" I say

" First we're going shopping ." Gerard says as
He parks the car at target.

" Um did you just quote paper towns?" I ask

" Maybe." Gerard says

" So what do we need?" I ask

Gerard hands me a long list and my eyes widen in shock .

" You , Frank , and Ray will go to Walmart across the street and Mikey , Matt , and I will go to target meet us outside of target ." Gerard says

"Ok then." I say

We head to Walmart while the others head to target .

" ok let's go get our weapons of revenge." I say

Frank and I go down the aisles and grab what we need.

" So how are we going to do this without getting caught?" Frank asks

" I do not know." I say

" Well we're both in for a ride I guess ." Frank says as he grabs red spray paint

Of course there's spray paint you always need spray paint for revenge.

" What else do we need?" I ask

" Candles ." Frank says

" Are we going to preform some ritual or something?" I ask

" Like I said I don't know." Frank says

" I'll leave it up to Gee to explain." I say

Once we have bought everything we head over to target and wait for the others.

Once they are out I rush up to Gerard .

" You have some explaining to do." I say

" Fine . We are going to prank them and pretend we are some cult or something and they are our sacrifices." Gerard says

" I knew it ." I say

"Your guys' costumes in the back of the truck." Gerard says

" Oh boy." I say

" This is going to be the best night of your lives." Mikey says

" Let's get going." I say

We get back in the car and drive to Isaac's house. Yea we knew where he lived.

" Ok so someone has to take him out back We'll set up the candles and everything. But first let's get changed ." Gerard says

We all get changed and Ray is chosen for the job of taken Isaac out back .

The rest of us jump the fence and set up everything.

" I even made up a chant." Gerard says

" Oh god help this child." I say

We set the candles in a circle and light them. There is a chair in the middle for the chosen victim.

This is going to be fun.

Soon Ray is outside with a screaming ( yes screaming) Isaac.

Soon we are acting out the part.

"have you the sacrificial victim?" I ask

" Yes. This should please them." Ray says

" Someone of cold of heart and cruel with a black soul." Gerard asks

" Please h help m me." Isaac says

" Oh there is nothing to help this one." Mikey says

We start to dance around and chant. We must have looked like the real thing with our masks.

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