Chapter 6

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I wake up the next morning excited to go to the studio to see my friends record their songs. They could become famous . Holy cow.

I get in the shower and get dressed. I wear purple leggings, a Panic! Shirt, black boots, and band bracelets.

Once I'm done I contemplate what do since i have a lot of time on my hands.

Soon I'm outside Clint's door.

I knock.

" Cone in." Clint says

" Hey Clint." I say

" What do you want?" Clint asks

" I just wanted to say that I might be gone for most of the day because I going with the guys to the studio." I say

" Ok." Clint says

" Nice talking to you." I say

I walk back to my room. Lately that's how most of our conversations have been. I don't know what's wrong but something doesn't feel right.

Not like I would know what it was though.

So basically blasted out music while almost having anxiety attacks about the fast approaching studio visit.

When it was time to go I get up and go downstairs.

" Clint I'm leaving!" I yell

He doesn't answer but I assume he got the message.

I go out and walk next door. I ring the doorbell.

Then Frank's mom answers the door.

" Hi Brooke. What can I do for you?" She says

" I'm here to see Frank." I say

" He's up in his room. You can go on up. It's upstairs to the left." She says

" Thanks." I say

I follow her instructions and make it to Frank's room.

He had his music playing so loud I was surprised he didn't have hearing damage.

I go over and turn it down .

" Hey!" Frank yells but then he sees me and calms down a bit

Then tries to play it cool.

" What's up?" Frank asks

" Don't you know what today is ?" I ask

He thinks about it for a second then the realization dawns on his face.

" Holy shit!" Frank yells

He grabs his guitar and walks straight towards me.

" We have to go!" Frank says

" Calm down it's not far from here we'll walk to each of their houses and walk to the studio together ." I say

" Ok." Frank says

We walk down the stairs and his mom is watching tv in the living room.

" Bye mom." Frank says

His mom gets up and gives him a hug.

" I'm so proud of you." His mom says

" Thanks mom." Frank says

They let go.

" Now you be safe you hear me." His mom says

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