Chapter 11

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I couldn't believe it. My father had been reduced as a figment of my imagination.

But here he was real as could be.

" Hi Brooke ." He says

He starts towards me and I step back.

" I'm home!" Clint says

When he gets in the living room next to me I feel his body go very tense.

" What are you doing here?" Clint asks

" I've changed. I came back." My dad says

" Bullshit!" Clint yells

" Clint honey calm down." My mom says

" Mom don't you remember what he did to us?" Clint asks

" Yes I do but he's changed give him a chance." My mom says

Clint relaxes but he keeps his evil glare at our dad.

" So Brooke I hear you're friends with a band at school?" My dad says

" Yea they're the best guys ever." I say

" And you let her hang around with these boys?" My dad asks

" Yes I trust those boys but she has some friends who are girls too." My mom says

" I just find it weird that she hangs out with five boys." My dad says

" Well they're cool." I say

" So you came back from one of their shows?" My dad asks

" Their first one ever and it was amazing. They've got true talent." I say

" Ok then." My dad says

" Brooke why don't you go up to bed you've got school tomorrow." My mom says

" Ok mom." I say

I head up the stairs and get into bed. I wonder what is going to happen in the morning.

When I wake up the next morning I expect it to be a dream. But no when Clint and I get into the kitchen there he is.

Our dad cooking food for us along side our mom. It was unnatural.

It was morally wrong.

" Hey look who's up ?" My dad says

Clint and I say nothing as we sit down and eat. I eat quickly and rush to the bathroom.

Soon Clint and I are rushing out the door and walking to school.

I see Frank right behind us. I slow down and walk with him.

" Hi." Frank says

" Hi ." I say

" I just wanted to ask you something where's your dad?" Frank asks

" Funny question. But it'll have to wait until we get to school." I say

When we get to school I am bombarded by the guys and Tessa.

" Hey what happen to you? You look like you've seen a ghost." Ray asks

" My dad's back." I say

" If he touches a hair on your head again I swear." Ray says

" He's said he's changed and I believe him . I've got to at least give him a chance ." I say

" If anything happens you can always talk to me or the guys and Tessa." Ray says

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