Chapter 5

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To say Frank was a good guitar player would be an understatement. He was freakin amazing. His fingers were fast on the strings and he knew all they cords and sounds like the back of his hand.

When he was done he looked at us for approval. I didn't have any words to describe how awesome that was.

" Dude you are amazing. Welcome to the band buddy!" Ray says

" Thanks." Frank says

" Dude we are so lucky to have two great guitar players." Mikey says

" Guys stop he's blushing." I say

" I am not!" Frank says turning a brighter shade of red

" I think you are. Awe he loves being complimented." I say

" Stop Brooke. Or I will come over there and smash my guitar into your head." Frank says

" Someone's Hostile." I say while giggling

Why might ask was I not taking his threat seriously? Because he wasn't that much taller than me.

So I had no reason to be scared of him. Nor should he be scared of me. I mean I'm not scary.

" So we basically practice everyday so make sure you bring your guitar to school with you." Gerard says

" Ok." Frank says

" So when are we going to the studio?" I ask

" We just have to finish some songs then we can go to the studio and record them and get our album out." Gerard says getting excited

" Woah Gerard calm down. Breathe." I say

" Shut up!" Gerard says while grinning

" You first." I say

We all walk out together and Frank and I walk home.

"So congrats on joining MCR." I say

" MCR?" Frank asks

" My Chemical Romance. You have to start learning the abbreviation because a lot of people are going to be calling it that." I say

" Like yourself?" Frank asks

" Yea. Like myself." I say

We continue to walk in silence.

" Oh shoot!" I say

" What happened?" Frank asks

" I left school without telling Clint. Oh he is going to kill me." I say

" Well he'll have to get through me first." Frank says

" What can you do you're not much taller than me?" I ask

" I could smack him with my guitar." Frank says while grinning

" Oh I'd love to see that happen." I say

We laugh and for once it seems like we can actually be friends. It won't last long though.

As soon as I reach my house I bolt inside and run up to my room. Turning on my music I feel relaxed and calmed.

I jump around to Fall Out Boy and Sleeping With Sirens.

I turn around and I see Frank laughing his ass off at my dancing.

I flip him off and close the curtains. I don't care about his reaction or want is going to happen now.

I decide to do my homework. When I'm done it's time for dinner. And Clint is home.

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