Chapter 7

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So today is Sunday and my mom decided to invite the boys over to hang out and have dinner to celebrate. What are we celebrating you ask? Recording their first album.

So I was helping set up when the doorbell rings. I look out and I see Frank.

" What are you doing here early ?" I ask

" My mom sent me over to help ." Frank says

" Ok then we are eating outside." I say

I lead him through the house and too the backyard where my mom and Clint our setting up tables.

" Hello Frank dear." My mom says

" Hi." Frank says

" Would you mind setting up the cups and plates?" My mom asks

" Not at all." Frank says

He goes over and begins ripping open the packages of paper plates and cups.

I walk over and start to help him.

" Who's the dude?" Frank asks

" That's my brother Clint." I say

" Oh." Frank says

The doorbell rings again and I go answer it.

Outside is Mikey and Gerard.

" Hey guys Frank's in the backyard you guys go ahead." I say

They go in and I'm about to close the door when I see Ray coming.

" Hey Ray !" I yell

" Hey Brooke! Is anyone else here?" Ray asks

" Yea Gerard , Mikey , and Frank are all here." I say

I take him outback where the boys are messing around. My mom is cooking the good on the barbecue.

How lucky am I to have such good friends?

I go over to my friends and we mess around . Gerard thought it would be funny to start throwing plastic cups at us.

Thus starting what I call the great plastic cup war.

Soon Matt arrives and we can begin with the festivities.

We decide to go in the trampoline and we have a contest to see who can jump higher, I win for some reason. I have had more practice since it is my trampoline after all.

" How am I so bad at this?" Frank asks

" Maybe it's because you have short legs." I say

The boys all " ooo" and look at Frank.

He puts a hand over his heart.

" Wow strike a man where it hurts." Frank says

" If by man you mean hobbit then yes." I say

" You're so mean !" Frank says but he smiling

" No I'm not I'm a little angel ." I say

" Sure." Mikey says

" Mikey I thought you were my friend." I say

" I am but you are not a little angel." Mikey says

" I believe you are an angel." Ray says

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