Chapter 8

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When Monday came around I was excited . I wanted to ask the guys how their meeting with the record label went and if they released their album .

I couldn't go because my mother forced me to go to some family thing.

After I shower and get dressed I go downstairs. Clint is already there eating breakfast and in my spot is a plate of pancakes.

" Thanks for making breakfast." I say

" No problem. Did you have fun on Saturday?" Clint asks

" You were there Clint you should know." I say

" Ok then ." Clint says

When we finish eating we get upstairs and brush our teeth. Then we head out the door.

Frank is right behind us with a wicked smile on his face. But I'll have to ask him about it when we get to school.

As soon as we get there i am surrounded by the guys.

" How'd it go?" I ask

" Well... They signed us and we released our album!" Gerard yells

" Oh my gosh that's great I'm so happy for you guys." I say

" Thanks. It was so stressful but in the end it turned out great." Ray says

" Group hug!" I yell

We all hug and shout earning odd looks from the other students.

" It was amazing." Frank says

" Well I'm glad you enjoyed it." I say

" I wonder what's going to happen now." Mikey says

" Well let's hope for the best." I say

" Hey girl!" Tessa says

" Hi." I say

" What's up?" Tessa asks

" Well they released their first album." I say

" Awesome. Congratulation." Tessa says

" Thanks." Ray says

" No problem." Tessa says

We all walk in together and we joke around. My friends. My second Family.

We get to our first class and I sit next to Ray .

" Well I can't wait to go buy you're album off of iTunes ." I say

" Thanks ." Ray says

" Np you're amazing on the guitar." I say

He blushes and turns toward the board.

I turn to the side and I see Frank.

I wave hi and Frank waves back.

When class was over head to our next class and I sit in my seat next to Mikey.

" Hi Mikey ." I say

" Hi Brooke." Mikey says

" So what did you guys do yesterday?" I say

" We played them the recordings of our album and they said they'll sign us." Mikey says

" Awesome . Soon you'll be playing shows." I say

" Yea don't remind me." Mikey says

" You got this Mikey . Don't worry." I say

" Thanks Brooke." Mikey says

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