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After the awkward dinner me and Tess go back to our rooms to go to sleep. I've been in here maybe a hour but I can sleep. I've just been laying here watching YouTube videos. But there're are only so many videos you can binge watch before you get board.

My door is slightly open and I can see tessess door is slightly open too but her light is on.

She might have fallen asleep. And forgot to turn it off. I tell myself so I have I reason to go in there. I get up and walk towards her door as quietly as I can. Once i get there I lightly knock the. Poke my head though the door.

Tess is sitting on her bed her legs crossed reading. She's holding up her finger telling me to wait a minute she presses her lips together and smiles with her eyes closed. Then looks up to me. Bitting her lip making me shiver.

"Cant sleep?" She asks

"Not at all. You?" I ask

"No I decided to read till I pass out" she says a smile on her face.

"Oh well I let you get back to that then" I say sadly. I don't want to leave her.

"No stay. I mean if you want" she says making me smile. I go and sit in front of her on the still made bed.

"Is your book good?" I ask bringing a smile to her face


"What time do you think you'll wake up tomorrow"

"Um. Probably tenish. Unless there's a time you'd like me to wake up."

"Oh no wake up whenever I just wanted to know if you were going to continue your morning schedule." I laugh looking at her attire.

She's In a grey shirt and loose light green shorts. I've never seen her in such loose clothing.

"Your shorts are pretty" I say without thinking

"Oh thank you" she yawns "do you want to lay down?" She asks

"Yeah" we get off the bed and I see her legs. They have scars all over them. Some little Some larger. They're still beautiful-everything about her is- but they have many many scars. It takes A lot to scar a werewolf. Even more for an alpha. What has that man done to such a sweet person.

She pulls the blankets back and gets in. I do the same. She snuggles into her pillow. She's so cute. We talk for maybe a hour about random things she now has her head against my chest. I'm playing with her soft hair she slowly falls in and out of sleep. And the lights have been turned off

"Hey Tess?"

"Yes Asher" my name coming from her mouth sends chills though my body.

"Why do you bow to your pack members?"

"They deserve it just as much as I do."

"But it's supposed to be to the alpha cause they're higher rank"

"They are just as-or even more important as the alpha. With no pack members no pack no pack no alpha" she tells me


"Hey Asher?"

"Yes Tess"

"Thank you." She says her words slightly muffled by my chest

"For what?"

"Defending me when you were talking to your father."

"He doesn't know you like I do. He doesn't know what a good person you really are."

"Why do you do that? Why do you think I'm a good person everyone treats me as if I was bomb going to explode, and the only way to not die is to get as far away from me as possible."

"You are good. So good. People are so rude and mean. And you still have the courage to be kind to people. You deserve love deeper than the ocean". I say against her hair. "Your just really good at hiding all your good."

"My mom told me when I was small." She yawns "that if you hide your heart no one can take of from you" I know she means her father. this is the first she's spoken about her mother. I never really thought about her mother.

"Who was she. Your mother."

"Oh she was perfect. She had my hair and eyes. She was the most. Beautiful women in the pack. That's why my father choose her. But it wasn't just her face. She made you feel special no matter what you did  and her heart was so big. She loved me too. I think she may even have loved my father. But he was to mean to notice." She says almost asleep. "I'm tired".

"Go to sleep love" I tell her and soon I hear her light snores. And I fall asleep too

I wake from what might have been the best sleep is ever had and see light poking though the half closed blinds. I look down and see a sleeping tess wrapped around me.

Her hands are clinging to my shirt my her leg is draped over mine. I have my arms around her keeping her as close as possible. She looks so peaceful while sleeping. Not always analyzing everything like when awake. I love sleeping Tess. I love every Tess but sleeping Tess is pretty cute

She stirs slightly and starts to mumble.

"Asher" she says in a whisper she's having a dream about me. Five minutes later she opens her eyes. She looks at my chest. Very confused and then looks to me

"Good morning" I say to her

"What time is it?" She asks.

"Almost noon."

"That's late. I'm sorry for crowding you" she says trying to pull away but I hold her closer.

"Don't be sorry. I did this of my own accord. What would you like to do today."

"Whatever you would like me to do" she says

"Your politeness peaks in the morning I see." I tell her a light smile forms on her beautiful face.

"So. We should get up then?"

I'm so excited for you all to read the next couple chapters! Please comment! I'll update more often if you ask❤️

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