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Tess pov.

It's Christmas Day. I watch as Asher's family opens presents. I don't care that I'm not getting any presents. I was never aloud presents at home. It's nice seeing others being happy.

Asher's little sister who's named trinity is the last to open presents. She got a Barbie. Asher's parents are cleaning up the wrapping paper

Asher comes over to me and grabs my hand pulling me up to his room. Once we get there he sits me on his bed.

"I know you said you didn't want any presents. But I thought you deserved something so I got you this" he smiles and bass me a small gold box. I smile up at him and open it.

It's a necklace with a small silver wolf and a dream catcher. It's very pretty.

"Thank you." I say hugging him.

He wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head into my shoulder we stay like that for a while. I pull away- Leaving my arms around his neck- he looks into my eyes then to my lips. Back to my eyes.

He slams his lips to mine. I want to push him away but I can't seem to do so. I instead kiss him back. He pushes his tongue inside my mouth. I let out a small moan making Asher growl he grabs my legs and pulls me up so they wrap around his waist as he continues to kiss me. I pull alway so I can breath but he starts kiss, sucking and biting my neck making me shiver. I grab his soft hair

What am I doing? I can't do this. I have a pack I have to take care of. I can't have feelings for a boy. I shouldn't even have feelings. I can't let him get hurt because oh me.

I push him way and get out of his arms making him growl. I look at him with anger and confusion. What got into me.

"Tess I'm sorry I-" I don't let him finish. I walk out of his room into mine. Locking the door.

I sit on the bed. I shouldn't even be here! What is wrong with me?! I risking everything for a stupid boy! He probably doesn't even like me he just wants to fuck someone

I feel a pain in my stomach at the thought of that. And my wolf begins to surface

'He's not like that!' She growls

'You don't know that. Go away before you make me shift!' I yell at her

'Don't tell me what to do!'

'Go!' I yell louder and she retreats to the back of my mind.

I sit on the bed and put my head in my hands. What do I do?

"Tess I'm really sorry" I hear Asher say from the otherwise if my door. " please come out. We can pretend nothing happened? If it helps please. I don't want you to be mad at me Tess"

"Not now Asher" I say changing my tone from friendly-which isn't that friendly- to formal. Like he's interrupting a meeting.

I hear his retreating steps.

I'll just pretend nothing happened. Like he said.

But I can't pretend nothing happened cause something obviously happened!

"I'll pretend to pretend nothing happened" I say to my self. "No more being 'friends'. We're alphas." I lay down and close my eyes.

Why does he have to be so pretty.


the drive back to alpha camp was completely opposite to the ride here. We didn't speak what so ever. I read till I fell asleep.

I wake up with a blanket wrapped around me.

"How much longer?" I yawn. Rubbing my eyes. I notice Asher starring and he quickly turns away

"About fifteen minutes" he tells me. "You looked cold so I got a blanket from the trunk for you."

"Oh the thank you" I say. Why is he still being nice to me. When I've been so Calais towards him.

"Our betas should already be at camp. Getting ready for the game tomorrow."

"Oh. Are you excited to play?" I ask

"Oh yeah. Very. I hope we're on the same team." He says tapping his fingers on the wheel. I don't respond.

We pull into the alpha camp and go to the gate where a man with red hair stands. He says our Names and our packs into a microphone. I hear cheers from inside the camp. First time they've cheered when they heard my name. Maybe it was for Asher. Not me.

I walk in and I immediately smell Justin. My beta. I turn my head and see his bright blond hair. He's standing by a tree all alone. Eyeing everyone around him.

I walk past Trent and Asher and go to him.

"Alpha" he bows to me

"Beta" I bow back

"I was saddened not seeing you over Christmas. My mother made you a blanket" he tilts his lips upward.

"Send her my regards my father didn't wish to see me this Christmas, so I went home with a fri- another alpha" he lifts he's eyebrows at my slip up.

"I see" he says trying not to smirk. But failing. I do the same. He pulls me into a tight hug

"I know you don't want me hugging you in front of the other alphas" he whispers in my ear. "But I missed so much tessy" he says and I wrap my arms around him.

"I missed you too Justin" I say into his shoulder. And pull out of his grasp.

I notice everyone starring at us. I brush it off and walk towards Asher, Trent and what I assume is there betas.

"Justin this alpha Trent and alpha Asher. Alphas this is Justin my beta"

"Hi Justin this is my beta ray and that's Asher's beta Phillip." Justin says nothing but bows to them. As he's been taught to.

"How was your birthday Trent?" I ask. Justin's looks at me strangely

'Who knew you could make friends' Justin says though mind link. I can't help the upturn of my lips.

"It was great. I found my mate" he says with a goofy smile

"Oh really who is she?"

"She's my sisters best friend. Her name is violet." He smiles

"To bad you can't see her for a couple of weeks" Asher says a smile on his face.

"I'm trying not to think about it" he grumbles.

It seems we're all doing that.

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