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Asher pov

I saw Tess fall down the cliff. I saw how scared she looked. I wanted to save her. But I couldn't. I was to late. I looked for her body for hours crying as I did so. Hoping she would be alive.

I knew she was dead though. My wolf felt the loss of his mate. As did I. But I had to be sure. But her body was gone. We all walked back crying silent tears for Tess. Justin went straight to his mate. I went to my bed. Where tesses sent was the strongest

I weeped for my dead mate. I also hit and destroyed things. I hated the fact she dead. She deserved so much better than death.

But now looking at her. I know. I can give her what she deserves. Happiness.

"Your alive" I say hugging her tight she's stiff in my arms. I pull away "what's wrong"I ask

"Well I. I-Um you know I-yeah " she says looking at anything but me.

"Wait. Do you know?"

"If your asking if I know we're mates. Then yes yes I do. But you know that doesn't mean anything. Like we don't have to be together. If you don't want to" she says flustered and a little sad.

"Wait. Are you rejecting me?" I ask my heart hurting.

"No.but I mean. Are you? Cause you've obviously known. And didn't tell me and you have a girl friend.." She says picking at the bottom of her shirt

"Well I didn't tell you because i wanted to wait till. I don't know we had something. And we weren't trying to murder your father and what girlfriend?" I ask

"Patricia or something"

"She's not my girlfriend. We had a thing years ago and she's still clinging on to it" I groan. "How. How are you here?" I ask. Feeling slightly insane.

"I'm a black wolf. And apparently we have an extra life" she giggles bringing back the smile on my face id thought I'd lost

"Im so sorry Tess" I say hugging her small body

"Why Asher?" She asks

"I should've been there. You should've never died" I say with sadness. Holding her beautiful face in my hands

"That was the deal" she says

"Deal?" I ask a little angry

"Well. My father. He came to me before you all did. He said if I die no one else had to" she tells me

"You gave yourself up to him? You just have up? You could've taken him Tess you could've beaten him down! But you just gave up!" I burst angry that my mate chose to die rather than fight to live

"I chose what was best for my pack Asher. We have no idea what his little troop would have been like. He threatened my pack. My home. And you. He told me he'd kill you and all mine and your pack. People can live without me. Justin would've been a great alpha. But they can't live without moms and dads. So yes I gave up. I gave up because I love my pack. And I love my friends and I love you. " she says not angrily but as if it's a fact. Because it probably is.

'SHE SAID SHE LOVES US OMG SHE LOVES US!' My wolf howls with delight.

'Did you just say omg?' I ask

'Yes but she said she loves us so it was permitted' he says.

"And I love you Tess. That's why I don't want you dead." I tell her. Cupping her cheek in my hand and bringing her face to mine.

We go for the kiss until Justin pops up in the door

"Oh my god Tess! You'll never believe it!- oh. Um." He stops himself once he notices what were doing.

Tesses face turns a light shade of pink. It's pretty cute.

"What do you want Justin?" She asks

"Your mom. She found her mate"

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