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Asher pov.

I walk down the hall quickly. Excited to see my beautiful mate. It's already 11:30. We got a call from a pack close by. My father and I have been speaking to them over the phone.

I take off my shirt leaving me in my swim trunks.i walk out to the pool. It's dark strung lights illuminate the pool all the kids have gone to bed. a large group full of oos  and awes surround the pool looking at the bottom

"What are you guys doing?" I ask pushing my way through the crowd. I get to the front and look to the bottom of the pool.

Laying on the floor of the pool is a small body with a gold and white bikini. dark hair is floating around a small pale face with bright blue eyes staring past me.

"Tess!" I yell about to jump in and save her but Adam-a pack warrior-grabs me and pulls me back

"Dude she only has twenty more seconds!"

"What are you talking about!" I yell worried for my mate. Getting no answers





"1"they yell and cheer

Tess blinks then swims up to the top. Breaking the water and pushing the hair from her face

"Told you I could do it you fuck!" Tess yell laughing. Who is this?

"Damn your wild girl" drake my delta laughs holding his hand out to her she grabs his hand and pulls her self from the water

The breath catches in my throat. Her light skin has water droplets dripping down her toned body. I put my hands over my. Private area. How did I get so lucky? My mate is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside.

"You owe me fifteen dude" she says

"Yeah yeah I gotca. What other cool things can you do?"

"Ummmm" she hums. "Do you guys have a gun? I know sounds hella crazy but it's cool as fuck I swear" she giggles my heart jumps at the sound

"So did she stay under water for like a minute or something?" I ask lee

"fucking five minutes dude she's insane dude!" He laughs

"I got it" I hear Adam laugh. Holding the gun up

"Hey hey hey woah what the fuck you think your doing" I ask walking up to him everyone gets quiet

"We're just messing around alpha" Ryan says calling me alpha because of my angry tone

"I don't care you could hurt her! She is our guest! You will not hurt her" I growl lowly.

Tess grabs my arm sending shocks though my body. I turn to her and She pulls me away from everyone.

"Asher" she says in a baby voice as she pokes out her bottom lip "we just having some fun. Have fun with us! Come on mr. alpha" she winks and smiles.

"How could I say no to you?" I laugh

"Yay Adam he said yes" she yells to Adam and walks over to him "okay. Adam. You count down from three. At one I want you to pull the trigger aim at that tree" she says pointing to a oak almost 20 yards away.

"Okay. Three. Two. One." He says and pulls the trigger as Tess takes off. She's so fast she's almost a blur. She suddenly flys though the air crashing into the ground

"Shit. Did I shoot her?!" Adam asks as everyone runs to her

She turns over slowly groaning and raises her hand into the air opening her fist

In her bruised hand Lies a bullet

"Oh my god dude that's so sick!" A pack member yells as the crowd cheers. I help Tess stand.

"You okay?" I ask pulling her all the way up. She wobbles so I grab her hips steadying her. She looks into my eyes. She leans close to me

"Don't kiss me". She whispers into my ear making me shiver. Then she simply walks away like she said nothing. "Hey lee get me a drink" she yells lee quickly grabs a beer for himself and Tess she drinks her beer quickly.

We continue the party as usual. Drinking, swimming, and dancing. I only get to see Tess every now and then. She moves to quickly. Going to talk to almost everyone. While I do the same.

I look up at the roof of the pack house and see her siting alone. Just looking out at the stars. I make my way to her.

"Hey Tess" I say sitting down handing her a beer that she takes while thanking me

"What's up Asher"

"Not much. I just thought I'd talk to you before I head inside to go to sleep." I say. " how'd you are you able to hold your breath for so long?" I ask

"Oh. When I was little. My dad made me sink to the bottom of the pool and carry a big ole rock from on side to the other. And if I didn't do all that in one breath, he'd make me sit at the bottom till I passed out" she says taking a drink of her beer

"Oh." I say. Having no really words to say. He's a fucking monster.

"God I'm going to hate myself tomorrow" Tess says

"Why?" I ask not know how anyone could hate my perfect Tess.

"I've made an ass out of myself tonight." She laughs running a hand down my face.

"No you haven't Tess. You've socialized" I laugh

"I've never done that" she laughs along with me.

We lock eyes. I look from her pink lips to the big blue orbs that give my life purpose.

"You can kiss me now" she says and I kiss her.

I kiss her like she's oxygen and I'm dying to breath. Because In a way I am.

Without her I'm nothing but a lump of missing organs. She has my heart and soul. Even though she doesn't actually know that i would literally do anything to make her smile.

We kiss for a long time. But not long enough. Then we go off to bed. Sleeping in each others arms

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