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Tess pov

Five hours.

Five whole hours of shaving. Tweezing.and make up.

And honestly I don't how I feel about it.

I hate that I'm putting in all this work for a maybe ten hour party that I'm only gonna no to be at for 30 minutes. But I like that I'm not worrying about fighting techniques, my pack, or my father. I'm worried about how I look.

I've also come to enjoy Jessica. She's spunky and hyper. Something I was never aloud to be. Shes free from any responsibility. She's happy.

She's also quite nice, complementing my looks. Although I think she's just saying them because she wants to be nice.

"Here" she says handing me a bundle of white and gold striped cloth. "Go try this on so we can see how it looks." She giggles pushing me in the bath room.

I look at the small amount of fabric, and hope to god it looks terrible, so I don't have to wear it. It's entirely to small. If my pack or Any other saw me. I'd never be taken seriously again.  I take a deep breath and put on the striped bikini. (Her bikini is the picture above)

I look myself over in the mirror. You can see most of my scars. But they've almost vanished in the small amount of days so they are there but not noticeable. And you can see the top of the tattoo on my hip and the tattoo running down my spine and the one on my side. I take in a deep breath and walk out of the room Jessica is looking at the mirror doing her hair when she turns to me

"Oh my god! Your hot!" I raise my eyebrows as she comes closer "dang your gonna have hella hoes tonight" she laughs. "You might want to put these on till we get to the pool"

she hands me shorts and a tank top. Then looks at my back. Music begins to play from outside. And I can hear a couple people.

"What's this say? The cursive is to small" she says

"It says 'no gun,no sword, no army or King. Will ever be more powerful than a sentence. Swords will cut and kill but words will stab and stay'"

"Deep." She says pushing me back into my chair. "Now Time for makeup!"

"We're swimming. Why would I need makeup?"

"Oh honey you dont. It's just to give that extra something. It makes you feel a little better. She smiles. Putting bronzer onto my cheeks. She finally finishes with a Sprits of perfume. When there's a knock on the door.

"Tess hurry up the party has started!" Justin calls from outside

"I'm coming!" I yell to him. "Thank you for this Jessica. Your very kind" I smile to her. She smiles back and nods as I open the door.

"Woah Tess. You look almost normal" Justin says looping my arm with his

"I don't know if I should be offended or not."

"You should be highly offended. Normal sucks" he laughs. We get to the door that leads to the pool. I can hear almost a hundred people.

"Do. You think I look okay?" I ask unsure of myself. Justin turns to me holding my shoulders.

"You look gorgeous tessy. Now it's time to fly baby bird" he says opening the door. We walk though a thick crowd of loud people

"I'm going to need a drink" I groan. As we walk up to a brightly lit bar. I grab two beers off the nearest tray handing one to Justin who pops it open chugging it. I do the same.

"Tess is that you?" I hear a girl yell I turn and see Sara. I girl I met a day before. She's very nice. She has dark skin and dark hair. She introduced me to a couple of other people who were just as nice.

"Hey Sara" I greet her with a tight smile.

"You look so pretty! We should go swimming!" She smiles as Lee and Ryan walk up to us.

Lee and Ryan are twins with blonde hair brown eyes and tons of freckles. I can hardly tell who is who.

"Hey Tess" they treat me at the same time.

"Hi guys" Justin says recognizing the boys.

"Oh what's up Justin! Did you tell your mate about that game?" Lee asks

"Oh yeah. He's addicted" he laughs. "I he's still playing. He told me he'd be out before eight"

"Come on it sooo hottttt I wanna get into the pool!" Sara says taking off her shorts and tank top exposing her white and green bikini.

My heart races at the thought of taking off my clothes. What if I don't look as good as everyone? Or they see my scars and say things about me?

Why am I being like this. I'm Tess. I'm a strong. Alpha of the largest most powerful pack on the world! I shouldn't be worried about what some wolfs say about me that I hardly know. I don't need to be what anyone wants me to be. I'm Tess.

I walk over to a chair where everyone put there discarded clothes. I take off my tank top and shorts then grab another beer.

I turn to jump into the pool and see at least twenty eyes on me. Some are my pack members. Justin comes up to me covering me from their eyes

"Um. Are you comfortable. You don't have to go in Tess" he says

"I'm going swimming." I say pushing my way past him. Into the pool with the others

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