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Tess pov

Everything is dark. So so dark. I like the dark though. No one knows who I am in the dark. No one can hurt me in the dark.

Darkness is my bliss

But sadly. Bliss ends.

"Tess. Tessa honey wake up" I hear a sweet feminine voice say and softly hit my face I open my eyes and meet eyes that match mine

"Mom?" I ask my eyes watering looking to my mother who's gave now has some small wrinkles. But nonetheless beautiful

"My Tessa" she says my real name

"Mom" I say again raising my body from the wet ground to wrap myself around her. "Am I dead" I ask making her laugh

"No honey. You were dead. Three days ago"

"I was dead for three days. How am I here then?how are you here?"I ask and notice I'm in a small cottage with a damp dirt floor.

"Your a black wolf. Just like me. We don't die so easily"

"Your a black wolf?" I ask

"Well where do you think you got it from?" She laughs. "But. When we die. We come back stronger. Your wolf is now fully mature, your stronger now, but. We're bad. "

"What?" I ask

"Black wolfs have a darkness inside them. Something we have to learn to control, it's hard. Really hard. But. You are a smart and good girl. You probably won't have a problem with it to much." She says

"Dad. He's still out there"

"I know honey. I'm sorry he did that to you he Cares he just doesn't show it"

"He killed me mom. I was dead. He's showing something" she sighs and nods.

"They aren't done. They're going to attack that boys pack."

"Asher's?" I ask worried for them.

"Yeah him! We need to go there. Now."

"Let's go then" I say standing. I feel dizzy as I do. I steady myself and we walk out of the small cottage. My mind filled with the crazy things I've been told.

I died. And came back to life. But I'm stronger but I have a dark side. And very dark side. And my mom is alive.

I wonder what the pack did after I died. Did they grieve or just go on with their lives. Not caring. Didn't anyone even look for my body? Maybe my mother got to me before they did. Maybe.

It takes awhile to get to his pack house on foot. Seven hours. But I never grow weary or sore. I guess my death was a gold inconvenience.

I talk to my Mather as we walk. She tells me of how she woke up buried. She had to dig herself out of the dirt and the pile of flowers on top left for her. She knew what was happening. Her father had told her before he passed for the second and last time. That's when she went to the cottage she grew up in by our pack house.

When we do finally reach Asher's pack house. It's very quite. To quite. I let my self inside the house and see no one in the normally filled living room. But there is a lamp that's been smashed against the wall and the coffee table has been shattered. I go to the kitchen and I finally see a sign of life.

"Justin what happened here?" I Ask the body i think is justins that's staring into the fridge. He looks at me. And it makes ms very sad.

His blonde hair is a mess. And his eyes have deep dark circles under them.

"Tess?" He asks unsure of himself

"Yes Justin it's me Tessa" I tell him.

"Oh my god!" He says realizing it's actually me. He comes up to me. Wrapping his big arms around me and picking me up. " I thought you were dead-we all thought you were dead. We looked for your body for hours. I knew you weren't dead. You couldn't have died right before the fight even ended not that easily" he rambles. Tears falling from I his gaunt cheeks.

"I did die. For three days."

"But the how..."

"I'm a black wolf when I die I come back to life."

" only the one time" my mother says looking around the house strangely

"Wait. Ms black?" Justin asks shocked

"Hello Justin dear. You grown up so handsome and just call me Jane" she smiles wiping a tear with her thumb. He looks to me confused

"She's a black wolf too" I tell him

"Oh. Well your going to have to explain further later. Now you need to go talk to Asher"

"Why would I need to do that?" I ask

"He's gone crazy! Smashing and slamming things. He could hardly control himself when we got here. I mean we were all very very sad but he. He was broken"

"Okay. I'll go talk to him now." I say turning to the stairs.

"I'm going to look around honey. I meet you somewhere else later." My mom says walking off

I trudge up the steps and notice the damage to the house gets worse as go up the stairs. Pictures have been knocked from the wall making glass cover the stairs. And also. A smell grows. It smells like a campfire. It smells good.

Once I get to Asher's door -that's has a crack going down the middle-the smell is filling my brain and i almost forget why I'm here

I open the door slowly. Hoping he's not getting undressed. But I see that he's laying in his bed. There are various holes in the wall. And things thrown to the floor.

I go to his bed and shake him. The usual tingles I get from touching him have intensified. Into sparks that num my whole body.

He gets up groggily and turns to me his eyes closed.

"I told everyone to leave me alone what are you doing in here" he asks angry

"I apologize. I'll come back when your awake " I stand up from the bed but Asher grabs my wrist quickly. Opening his green eyes

"Tess?" He gulps looking at me straight in the eyes.

As I look into his sad tear filled eyes my wolf screams in my head


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