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Asher pov.

It's day five. It took three day to get here. And yesterday was spent scouting the area. We found all the extra items within a ten mile radius. We only go a blanket mittens and we got the sent of the other teams camp.

Tess said she can't smell it from here but if she goes out a little farther she probably could. So later tonight her and a group are going to go out. Tess said it would be smartest to go at night because the other team members would be inside their camp. With the exception of Guards
they've posted. And they'd be less likely to catch our sent

Tess now is standing in a large circle with me. She's giving out orders, telling us which shift we have and who's going with her tonight.

"I'm taking Justin,Alec,Ryan, and Tim. The rest will take shifts watching the camp, with the exception of grant and Asher because they spent the last five hours guarding" I frown I wanted to go with her. That's why I chose to guard

After the circle leaves to get their things together I go to Tess who looks very tired. She has dark bags under her eyes. She still looks beautiful.

" why didn't you choose me to go with you tonight?" I ask a little insulted that she didn't. I know things have been awkward. After the kiss. But we're still friends. Right?

"You've done to much. I need you strong for when we get the flag. Your one of my most valuable team members" she says making me feel much better

"What about you? You've had what 15 hours of sleep in the pass five days. You need your rest just as much as me. More even. And what's up with this eating thing. I nor anyone else has seen you eat since we got here. With out you we can't win" I tell her. She holds her stone face

"I'm fine. I'm not even tired. Just ready to get this over with" she says walking away and talking to someone else. She's such a strong alpha.

I go and lay on a cot shut my eyes and pray nothing happens to Tess.

"You don't understand how much I like you" Tess tells me.

"Well I love you so I guess that trumps your 'like'" I say making her laugh.

"I don't understand why Tess is so scared of our kiss" she says. It's weird that she spoke in third person then didn't. But I'm to busy staring at her beauty to call her on it.

She winks and runs off into the valley passing the tree with our names. Into tall grass. I run after her just a couple steps behind. She giggles running faster and becomes hidden in the tall grass. I chuckle at her playful behavior. And run faster. But I can't find her. The grass is to talk for me to see her.

"Tess?" I yell. No answer. I begin to panic screaming her name over and over "Tess!" The grass catches on fire making me hot. I look over and see Tess covered in blood surrounded by fire. I can't save her

"Tess" I yell trying to get her attention but she focuses on the dark figure emerging from the fire.

"Farther no!" She yells as she gets hit in the face I growl and run to her but I can't get to her. My feet just won't work

"Stop you bastard! Stop!" I scream as he hits her again

"Asher please help me please!" She screams helpless and afraid

"Stop!" I yell sobbing "please stop please! Stop hurting her stop!" I say I finally gain the ability to run when he stops beating her and retreats into the fire from which he came. I run to her brushed and bloody body. She looks at me with sad eyes.

"Its not your fault" then the life leaves her

I wake to the sound of rushing water. I look towards the shower and see Tess. Tess. It was a dream. Of course it was a dream. She's tilting her head to the water getting it wet. I wipe the tears that fell while o slept from my face. And get up.

"Tess what are you doing?"

"I'm attempting to wash my hair but it seems I'm failing to do so" she said wringing her hair out.

"Just get in" I say

"I lack the genitalia you all have and that would be very inappropriate."

"Can't you just were your underwear and bra? It's just like wearing a bathing suit" the thought makes my blood rush to another region on my body.

"No I can not! What do you take me for?!" She asks offended.

"Then. Damn just let me help you before you fall on the wet floor" I say going to her I take off my shirt and walk into the water her head it in while the rest of her body is bent out of it.

I get the shampoo that sits on the short wall. And run it through her hair. And do the same with the conditioner. Her hair soft as An Angels. Doing this makes me think of taking an actual shower. With her. He wet naked body against mine I could bend her over and-

Woah woah woah. What am I thinking.

'What are you doing you horn dog?' I ask my wolf. He keeps putting images in my head

'I can't help it she smells so good! I want Sophie!'

'Who the hell is Sophie?' I ask him

'Her wolf!' Sophie seems so soft for Tess but. I thought Tess was a softy when I first saw her. I was very wrong

' how do you know her name?'

'We talk sometimes. When you both are asleep which isn't often. But Tess only lets her guard down when she's asleep and other than that she blocks her out'

'Why would she block out her wolf?' I ask but Tess pulls away from me looking my way. Her hair stringy.

"Thank you for that. I promise you will not have to do that again.it looks like it's almost dark so I better get going' she says walking off.

What's up with her?

Sooo once alpha camp comes to an end. Which won't be anytime soon. But once it does after the big finally or whatever. Would you guys want me to just do like a summery of what happens in their life's, or would y'all like me to continue chapters. I don't know how interesting they'd be, since there would be no one to fight or do anything. But I could try to make something.

Please tell me what y'all think I should do!


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