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We walk into the forest. Snow covers the ground and continues to fall. We all are in black pants and jackets. And nothing else. Everything we may need we must find ourselves.

It's starting to get dark. It's 5 in the afternoon.

"Five four three two one." I whisper and the cannon goes off I turn and say "don't shift yet. We need to look for shelter. Then you can tonight to keep warm" I say. We begin walking into the woods.

I sniff the air. constantly trying to find any sent that isn't woods. We walk until around Eleven. The other alphas talk quietly me and Justin say nothing. Trying to pick up any sent.

'Tess I'm sorry but I'm so tired I don't know how much longer I can walk for' Justin says though mind link.

I stop immediately. And turn to my team. They stop tumbling into each other.

"We can rest now. We'll take turns keeping watch. I'll take the first shift. Who would like to join?" Trent and Asher put up their hands. I would love to spend the night with Asher. But. I can't. My heart will get the best of me. "Trent and me. Then Asher. Justin. Will you be okay to keep watch?" I ask. He nods.

"Yes alpha" he smiles to Asher he grunts.

" you may shift If you like. It may help with the cold. But take off your clothes first. Or else you'll be naked till we find more clothes. And I would rather not see that" I Say and some people giggle. " Trent you may shift as well." He nods and I turn around. I hear clothes being shed and bones pop.

"We're done" I hear someone say and I turn around I see three of the guys standing the rest are wolfs. I see Justin's blonde wolf. He smiles at me.

I find Asher's green eyes in a dark brown wolf. Trent didn't shift. Everyone lays down and soon they fall asleep.

" so" Trent says coming up to me. "You and Justin are good friends?"

"He's my beta and I'm his alpha. We must keep a close relationship for my pack to function." I say.

"I don't know. Seems a little friendly to me" he smiles. I like Trent. He knows about my pack and still treats me with kindness. I Seldomly receive kindness from people other than my pack members

"Are. We friends?" I ask.

"Of course we're friends Tess" he says wrapping an arm around me. I feel awkward but don't pull away. 

"Wow. I never thought I'd have so many friends"

"How many friends do you have?" H asks

"Two" I say making him laugh. He laughs for almost three minutes. Then gets quite

"Your serious?" He asks I nod. " everyone here is your friend Tess your like the coolest person here."

"But. The pack I come from..."

"That's tour pack. Not you. We won't judge you. And anyone who does is an ass and doesn't deserve your attention" he says. Leaning against a tree.

We stay in a comfortable silence for three hours. I've taken off my jacket-leaving me in a black tank top- and laid it over one of the smaller betas that had been shivering rapidly. I'm not to cold just have goose bumps.

"Our shift is over" I tell Trent he stands and stretches

"Finally. I'm ready to sleep!" He says walking to me

I go and wake Justin.

"Hey. My turn already?" He asks yawning

"Yeah. Are you up for it?" I ask him.

"Yeah yeah." He says standing up. "You go to sleep. We need our leader to be alert." He smiles lightly at me

I lay in the cold snow. And fall asleep quickly.

Asher pov

I sit against a tree and glare at Justin. Who's sitting on a rock.

"Tess went to your pack over the break. Yes?"

"Yeah." I grumble. Although the memory makes me want to smile

"That was kind of you." He says "but I was sad not to see her"

"You stay away from her" I growl standing up.

"Why?" He asks innocently.

"Because she doesn't like you!" I growl louder

"I didn't think she did"

"Well then stop flirting with her!" He clears his throat

"Sorry buddy. But have a mate. And my mate Happens to be another boy ." He says "and I know you like her. She likes you too." He says making my wolf go crazy.

"Really? How? Did she tell you?"

"No. I see the way she looks at you. She's good at hiding most emotions. But she's never experienced love so it's pretty easy for me to tell" love?

"But. Wait. Tesses dad doesn't care your gay?" Some packs don't allow that because they can't repopulate.

"He doesn't know... Once she becomes alpha we can make it official. But until then we have to keep it under wraps. And he can't mark me." He says sadly

"Oh." I say feeling bad for getting mad at him earlier.

"But once she is alpha everything will be fine."

"Everyone keeps saying that" I say. I mean I know it's bad. But how bad could it be

"It is. She would never admit it but she's the kindest person you could ever meet. She gives everything she has to others. And doesn't even think of her own happiness. And with her dad she-" he stops talking. "I shouldn't be talking about this Tess wouldn't be happy." He says looking straight ahead.

I wish I could just know everything about her.

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