Chapter 1 - Wanna Dance?

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Kendall and Harry dodging and hiding from the cameras, finally reaching the doorstep of Harrys apartment. It all started that first night. It was Niall's 21st and he invited all of his closest friends out for a drink at his families penthouse in Hollywood.

Loud music playing, people drinking and partying, Kendall and Kylie both walk in the door looking absolutely stunning and taking peoples breath away.

"Happy Birthday Niall!" Said Kendall and Kylie

"Thanks guys! So glad you could make it, grab a drink and hit the dance floor, all the 1D boys are here!"

Kendall and Kylie immediately feel in the party spirit and both go and grab a can of vodka and go off to do their own thing.

"Hi Harry," teased Kendall as if she just turned completely shy

"Oh hey Kendall, wanna dance?" said Harry making a discrete move on Kendall


Kendall and Harry both head on out to the dance floor and start dancing together.

"Never knew you were this good at dancing!" said Harry while he was pulling out some of his famous moves

"Haha, well it runs in the fam-!" and before Kendall could finish her sentence she completely trips and passes out on the floor,

"Omg, I think I spoke too soon!" Said Harry in a worried voice "We better get you somewhere safe"

Kendall finally woke up in the car with confusion and said to Harry,

"Harry, What happened?"

"You were dancing a little too hard and slipped and banged your head on the dance floor." said Harry in a sympathetic voice,

"Oh? Clumsy me, where are we going now..?" said Kendall

"My place, we needed to get out of there anywhere as the paparazzi found us and tried to break into the party! So I thought I should take you somewhere safe."

"Wheres Kylie!?" Kendall said in a worried voice

"Don't worry, she's with Niall and Liam!" said Harry

Harry parks just outside of his house, and outside was a ton of paparazzi.Kendall and Harry dodging and hiding from the cameras, finally reaching the doorstep of Harrys apartment. Once they get inside they head on into the kitchen to get a tub of Ice cream as a 12:00am snack.

"Cookies and Cream! My favourite!" said Kendall excitedly

They both head on upstairs to Harrys room and get lost in a conversation about each others careers. It was then 2:30 in the morning and Kendall was starting to daze off while talking to Harry.

"I have a King bed, there is enough room for both of us, just crash here." Harry explained

Kendall hops onto the bed and falls asleep straight away, lying on Harry as her pillow... 

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